The RAC105 Awards have already announced the eight winners of their second edition. The group Oques Grasses has been recognized in the category of best album for A tope amb la vida and best video clip for Bye bye. Ay mama, by Rigoberta Bandini, has won the award for best song, and Alfred García the best artist by popular vote. Nil Moliner, Joan Dausà, Talk about me in the present and Goat Soup are the other winners of the edition. The awards gala will take place next Tuesday, May 17, in the Apolo room in Barcelona and will feature live performances.

Thus, Oques Grasses have been the only ones to have received two awards. The Osonenses published the album A tope amb la vida, recognized as the best album, a year ago, and they have already become the new great reference on the national music scene. A tope amb la vida accumulated more than 12 million views in the first three months after its release, and was positioned in the top ten of the most listened to in Spain for eight weeks.

The song Bye bye, included in the same work by the group, has won the title of best video clip. It is the most viewed clip in Catalan in 2021 on YouTube, with more than 1.3 million views.

The undisputed success of Ay mama by Rigoberta Bandini, who was about to represent Spain at the Eurovision Song Contest 2022, has deeply affected the public and also the awards jury, who unanimously wanted to award the anthem as best song of the year

The euphoria and emotion of Libertad by Nil Moliner has catapulted the song to the RAC105 podium as the winner of the “Most Radioed Song” award, for being the song that has played the most on the station over the last year. In this edition, the organization of the awards has also wanted to recognize the career of Sopa de Cabra by awarding the group a special honorary award on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the publication of Ben Endins, considered one of the most important albums in the history of the music in Catalan

The award for best direct has gone to Joan Dausà with the tour of the latest album, Ho tenim tot. The start of the tour was out of the ordinary with six concerts between the months of June and July in the ruins of Empúries, with sold-out tickets, where he presented the songs from the new album four months before its release. It is an award-winning live show for being vibrant and original, charged with the energy of the fourth album by the singer-songwriter from Sant Feliu de Guíxols, with legendary songs from other albums such as La gran eufòria.

The revelation group award goes to Habla de mi en presente, a heterogeneous quintet made up of five young people from Barcelona, ​​Paris and Lübeck who are studying Medicine and Philosophy in Berlin. The band is an explosive cocktail of tecnorumba, “rauxa” and emotions that they capture on their second album, Vivir más.

Finally, the popular vote of RAC105 listeners has awarded Alfred García as best artist, with 15% of the votes, which have been widely distributed among all the proposals presented. Alfred García has published this year 1997, a brave and experimental album that has left songs like Toro de cristal, a story about courage and the challenge of experimentation, lack of definition and that which is unknown, which imprints the character of the album.

It is the only award that has not been chosen by the professional jury, composed in this edition by Noemí Galera (Gestmusic), Sílvia Colomé (editor-in-chief of Culture of La Vanguardia), Maria Cusó (Culture of RAC1), Xènia Rafí (The Project) and Albert Buscarons (RAC105).

Throughout the week, RAC105 has revealed each day one of the artists who will perform at the awards gala on May 17, among which are the recipients of the Sopa de Cabra honorary award and the biganadores Oques Grasses. Other stars of the Catalan music scene will also perform on the stage of the Sala Apolo, such as Els Catarres, who will present their latest album, Diamants; Suu with her new proposal, Karaoke; the Barcelona duet Ginestà, who has just released their second album, Suposo que l’amor és això; the electropop singer Julieta and the group Blaumut.