The candidate for the presidency of the Junta de Andalucía by Vox, Macarena Olona, ​​would have registered at the home of the president of the formation in Granada, Manuel Martín Moreno, to be able to attend the regional elections.

This is required by law. Any candidate with aspirations to manage Andalusian affairs from the Palacio de San Telmo must be registered somewhere in the region for at least two months before the elections are held. According to Cadena Ser today, this management was carried out on November 5, at which time the head of the Vox cartel appears as a citizen of the Granada municipality of Salobreña.

Olona, ​​who is a deputy for Granada in the Congress of Deputies, did not have to do this to represent her party in the state, although this is an essential requirement for the regional ones.

The woman from Alicante has resolved the problem in the process by resorting to Martín Moreno, who, according to what he himself has declared to this media outlet, agreed to help Olona because of the “friendship that unites us”, although the deputy did not want to address the problem. subject citing “security reasons”.

Martín explained that, despite not being the candidate’s habitual residence, “she comes sometimes, on vacation. I give him the upper part and I stay in the lower part”.

The deputy will resign her seat in Congress in the coming weeks to focus on the Andalusian campaign.