The renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary is delayed. There will be no new magistrates neither of the Judicial Power nor of the Constitutional Court before June 13, as the Government intended, on the one hand due to the electoral period in which we find ourselves with the elections in Andalusia, and on the other due to the attitude of the Government of not wanting to agree anything with the PP, as has been seen in the anti-crisis measures and in the modification of the official secrets commission.

This was confirmed by the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, in an interview on the program Las Mañanas, of Radio Nacional de España, and that he put another impediment to reaching that agreement, the “level of tension” that he has introduced, to his trial, the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, with the “disqualifications and insults to the PP” in the control session last Wednesday in Congress.

“If the Government wants to return to respecting the opposition party, we are in a position to assess talking to the Government again, with light and stenographers” and starting from the fact that the PP’s position is “to regenerate Justice, to regenerate the way of electing to the CGPJ” something that the popular, in addition, will tell the citizens, so that they know why they maintain that position.

Alberto Núñez Feijóo, with this position, is not going to let go of the fact that Sánchez called the PP “mugs”, because the militants and voters of the PP would not understand it. For this reason, the popular leader affirmed that the PP wants to agree and maintain a state position, as it did again yesterday, supporting that the reform of the National Security Law could be processed, contrary to what the Government partners wanted, and He did ” despite the fact that 24 hours before “he had said that the PP was a party of thugs.” For Feijóo, “the Government does not make it easy for us because agreeing with a party of thugs discredits the Government,” he said.

The president of the PP considers, therefore, that we must wait for the Andalusian elections to pass “and we must wait for the level of tension that the Prime Minister has introduced to be lowered”, after his “unworthy behavior in the Chamber” , and after having misled the Spanish about the espionage case.

“He has told us many lies” -said Feijóo- and now it is feared that he will go before giving explanations to the Catalan separatists than to the Congress of Deputies where national sovereignty resides. He believes it, because he sees a government “tumbling, and acknowledging that it is an exhausted government with enormous internal tension.”

For Feijóo, that would be a humiliation: “The logical thing is that he appears, and he does so before going to Catalonia to deliver the welcome letter showing the head of the director of the CNI”. In the opinion of the leader of the PP “it would be a lack of rigor and a breach of the dignity of the Chamber, that it is going to give an account to the Catalan independentistas before appearing in the chamber”.

And it is that for the president of the PP there are still many things to clarify in the case of espionage, for example “which telephone of the president was spied on, whether the public or the private one; if he has two telephones, if the information that was stolen can be suppose a weakening in its international relations, and if this espionage has to do with the relationship with Algeria, the Sahara, Morocco and the United Nations”.

Explanation that Feijóo believes that the Spaniards deserve, instead of doing the easiest thing, which is “handing over the head of CNI director” despite the fact that the Defense Minister has said that she has acted legally and in accordance with the Government’s guidelines .