The PDECat spokesman, Ferran Bel, has played it in the plenary session of Congress. Or maybe not so much. From the rostrum of the chamber, he has promised to pay a meal to all the deputies of the PP, Vox and Ciudadanos if they are capable of carrying out the electoral campaign in Andalusia, which begins on June 4, if they are capable of not mention neither Catalonia nor the Basque Country, nor the independence supporters of one place and another, nor the procés.

The PDECat spokesman has shown his perplexity that Catalonia and the Basque Country come out in all the debates, as has happened in this Thursday’s session in which, among other things, the amendments to the entire ERC and Junts against the new Citizen Security Law and asked “if your honorable Members would be able to oppose the Government without the Catalan separatists, without the Basque separatists, without the Catalan parties, without Catalonia and without the Basque Country”. “I think they would not be able to, honestly”, he has bet while he has summoned them to try.

“Let’s see if they are capable in next week’s plenary session of intervening and opposing the Government without naming Catalonia or the Basque Country”, he has urged them to reiterate their lack of faith in it, to the point that he has dared to go further and has doubled the bet: “To all your honorable members, those present and those absent, I promise to pay a meal to all the deputies of PP, Cs and Vox very gladly if you are able to carry out the electoral campaign of Andalusia without talking about Catalonia, without talking about the Basque Country, without talking about the Catalan independents without talking about the Basque independents, without talking about the political prisoners and without talking about the procés”.

By way of conclusion of the bet, Bel has argued that “Catalonia has many problems, Andalusia has many problems” and has urged the deputies to talk about the problems of this second community, which is where the elections are held. “Talk about the problems of Andalusia, don’t talk about Catalonia, don’t talk about the Basque Country and you will win a meal”, she has sentenced.