United We Can, a minor partner of the coalition government, has joined the independentistas of ERC, Junts, Bildu PDeCAT and the CUP to request in Congress the creation of an investigation commission on the so-called ‘sewers’ of the State.

The initiative, which also bears the signature of the Compromís and the BNG, intends that Congress investigate “the link between various official state bodies and a media, business and ‘para-police’ network, with resources and weapons reserved for state agencies, at the service of spurious interests outside the general interest”.

Congress has already carried out two investigations related to the so-called ‘sewers’, both related to the Ministry of the Interior of the PP Government (the last one was related to the Kitchen operation), and this new request is registered after the PSOE has refused to debate a specific commission on espionage on politicians with the ‘Pegasus’ program.

The signed document exposes how the Ministry of the Interior of the previous popular legislature, under the command of Fernández Díaz, made fraudulent use of part of the state’s budgets and security forces. A police structure was created under the instructions of Cosidó Gutiérrez with the sole mission of hindering the corruption investigations that were flying over Genoa and its leadership.

The use of this kind of vigilante groups to persecute and harass political opponents was also proven. The investigation commission carried out then, during the year 2017, determined that Catalan nationalism, Podemos and even the PSOE were victims of the so-called “political police” of Minister Fernández. In the case of the purples, the case is known as the “Pisa Report”, in relation to the fact that political orders were given to investigate with legal and illegal methods the then formation of Pablo Iglesias to try to find “irregular financing” or any incriminating appearance.

This request from the nationalist and left-wing groups responds to the PSOE’s refusal to form an investigation commission to clarify what happened with the espionage with the Pegasus tool.

The investiture partners propose to take a turn and draw a deeper and more exhaustive investigation, which not only clarifies the Pegasus Case, but also dares to study and investigate a ‘Deep State’. They define it in the text as “various levels of the State and a media, business, and parapolice network, with resources and weapons reserved for state agencies at the service of spurious interests outside the general interest and presumably paid for with reserved funds.”

The document presented also mentions other cases of vigilante structures in the Spanish democracy. He recalls the coup d’état of 23-F and the GAL to account for a “historical constant” in reference to the existence of this type of structure in the Spanish State.

In short, it seems clear that the investiture partners are not satisfied with the dismissal of Paz Esteban, director of the CNI. Although ERC and its leader, Oriol Junqueras, have been lowering the tone, the truth is that they have spoken of “guarantees” that this will not happen again. And what better guarantee than to clarify what happened, to be able to act accordingly.