The Andalusian electorate already has, officially and after the conflicts that have arisen between the left-wing formations in recent days, a new ballot that can be deposited in the polls on 19 J, the day on which the regional elections will be held. For Andalusia, a name that groups six formations, including Podemos and Alianza Verde, has presented its mark today in Seville, leaving the first of the family since the complicated negotiations between parties began. It has been the candidate for the presidency, Inmaculada Nieto, who has asked for “apologies” for the “days of discomfort” lived until the confluence was able to stand up.

Overlaid on the latest friction arising from the error made at the time of registration of the confluence in the Electoral Board, where the purple party was left out, and which has given rise to criticism from all political sides, including that made by the founder of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, the Andalusian representatives have wanted to offer an image of unity, although mistrust between acronyms continues to be a constant in the coalition.

However, with this act, headed by the candidate for the presidency, Inmaculada Nieto (IU), who has been accompanied by the deputy of Podemos Juan Antonio Delgado and the president of Más País Andalucía, Esperanza Gómez, it is intended to put aside the national interests of each one and focus on satisfying the needs of the Andalusian people. The united front, promoted by the second vice-president of the Government, is constituted as a “purely Andalusian” force, as Nieto declared yesterday, marking distances with Madrid and with the general elections, regardless of whether they are held.

But under this “unpublished photo” in Spain, as Nieto has defined it, there are serious problems that remain to be resolved. Specifically, the economic fit within the confluence of Podemos and Alianza Verde in terms of electoral subsidies and campaign spending. It is not a trivial matter, although from IU it has been confirmed that they are working to find a solution. Inmaculada Nieto warned of the “need to modify aspects related to financing formulas”, because the one established in the political agreement released on Friday “would not comply with the regulations of the Court of Auditors”, according to sources from Por Andalucía.

In the pact reached in extremis by IU and Podemos this Friday, a distribution of funds had been established, which will be received after the elections, of 40% for IU and 60% for Podemos, a higher percentage for accepting the candidacy of Nieto in front of that of the deputy for Cádiz Juan Antonio Delgado.

Regarding the distribution of seats and the share of power, the head of the cartel has repeated at different times that the agreement will be fulfilled, where all the deputies will have a place and representation in a way that can “accommodate the will to comply with the agreement, which is unequivocal by all parties, with compliance with the law”, to “go on joint candidacies”. There is “a technical team made up of people from all the organizations” members of the agreement “working to make the agreement viable” and preparing the candidacies , so that it is not yet “ready” to give the names of those who will compose them.We will have to wait until May 19 to find out which names will go on the lists of each province.

In any case, Inmaculada Nieto wanted to make clear the “unequivocal will” of the six organizations to “work together” to build “an alternative solvent government” from a “distinctly Andalusian” project, as she remarked, while defending that from now on they are going to commit to “talking about people’s things” and not about their internal diatribes.

The “material error” that was made in the registration of the formation, as sources on the left described it, and the subsequent refusal of the Andalusian Electoral Board to correct it, put the coalition at real risk of materializing. It was a turning point for Podemos, which saw how the agreement it reached with IU was left up in the air. Now, the confluence looks for the way to be able to fulfill what was promised and avoid more surprises. According to all the formations, there is a common objective: to position themselves as an alternative to the advance of the right and the extreme right in the region.

Podemos and Alianza Verde, although they are part of the political project, do not appear in it legally, which raised some dust at the national level, from where numerous criticisms were poured. It was the founder of the purple formation, Pablo Iglesias, the first to question the first experiment of Yolanda Díaz’s ‘united front’, criticizing the “dedazos” in Andalusia and insisting on the need to hold primaries to elect political representatives.

Iglesias was betting on Delgado as the best option to attend the elections, although the Cadiz deputy was surpassed by the IU candidacy, which proposed Inmaculada Nieto as the visible head of the confluence.

This appointment, together with the problems with the Electoral Board and, therefore, the availability of funds, generated a tsunami in the center of the bloc that shook its foundations, although it seems that it is on the way to being overcome.