The special Pegagus commission of the European Parliament has addressed the possibility of sending a mission to Spain to study the case of massive espionage that has affected more than sixty-five Catalan independentistas, as well as members of the Spanish government.

After a meeting of the committee’s coordinators behind closed doors, several parliamentary sources have confirmed that “the issue” of sending a delegation has been addressed, but that it has not yet been definitively approved. “It is not certain”, but “there has been talk that it may occur in the future”, they have explained. “We will see, but the idea is on the table”, other sources have confirmed, although there is no definitive date for when it could be decided.

The idea of ​​sending a delegation is one of the requests put forward by the Los Verdes group, which includes the allegedly spied-on MEPs, Diana Riba and Jordi Solé, from ERC. It is studied that this mission goes to Madrid. At the same time, the sending of a delegation to the United States in the future has been discussed, also pending approval.

At the moment, what has been approved is that there be a mission of MEPs to Poland and Hungary (the first two European countries in which espionage against opponents and journalists was known) as well as to Israel, the company’s original country. NSO, creator of Pegasus software.

This Tuesday the second meeting of the special commission of the European Parliament was held, in which several experts were heard on how this software works. Bill Marczak, from Citizen Lab, an organization that uncovered espionage against independentists, explained the ability of this program to insert files, not just extract them, to manipulate the phone and the camera.

“Pegasus acts as a phone administrator, it can read files, even use cookies approved by the user, so it always remembers passwords, it can enter your Facebook account, as if it were the same user”, he also explained today Constanze Kurz of the cybersecurity think tank NetzPolitik.

The meeting took place when today the Spanish government has decided to dismiss the director of the National Intelligence Center (CNI), Paz Esteban, who will be replaced by the Secretary of State for Defense, Esperanza Casteleiro. The former director of the CNI also stated that a total of 18 politicians had been spied on.