The negotiations against the clock between the two large sectors of Junts per Catalunya, represented by the former Minister Jordi Turull and the President of the Parliament, Laura Borràs, have borne fruit this Tuesday morning a few hours before the deadline that led to the party to the uncertainty of an open congress with the risk of division, a scenario that various party cadres and local leaders, less than a year before the municipal elections, wanted to avoid at all costs.

Turull and Borràs have agreed in extremis on a distribution of internal power, between the two, and in the management bodies. In this way, he will be the next general secretary, a position held until now by Jordi Sànchez, and she, president, instead of Carles Puigdemont. However, unlike the former president, she will have executive functions and not just symbolic and representative ones. In any case, a modification of the statutes will be necessary for this in the second phase of the Junts congress, which will take place in July in Barcelona. In that second meeting, the course of the training, the political presentation, and the organization will be redefined.

This being the case, it is in this second part of the congress that the most important things will be decided, now that the unknowns regarding leadership have been cleared up: what is Junts’ project in this new cycle.

However, it will be the militancy who must approve the changes. “It is easy to reform the statutes with a linguist and a lawyer,” Turull, who held one of the party’s vice-presidents, joked about it. “It does not depend on the president or me, we will make a proposal and it will be the militancy who decides”, he added.

The party’s vice-presidents include two deputies very close to Borràs, Aurora Madaula, who is the second secretary of the Bureau of the Parlament, and Francesc de Dalmases. The other two will be followed by deputies Josep Rius, who is the spokesman for JxCat, and Anna Erra, who is mayor of Vic and president of the national council.

In the executive, a key body that validates agreements and makes the most relevant day-to-day decisions, there will also be a distribution of power. The councilor of Junts in Badalona David Torrents will be the new organization secretary, and Teresa Pallarès, who is a delegate of the Government of the Generalitat in Camp de Tarragona, will continue as finance secretary.

The executive is completed by the deputies of the Parliament Jaume Alonso Cuevillas, Joan Canadell, Jordi Fàbrega –vice mayor of La Seu d’Urgell–, Gloria Freixa, Ester Vallès, Cristina Gasol, Salvador Vergés, Marta Madrenas –mayor of Girona–, David Saldoni –until now secretary of organization–, Mònica Sales –spokesperson of the parliamentary group–, the ex-ministers Miquel Sàmper, who has approached Borràs in recent months, and Damià Calvet –president of the Port of Barcelona–, the government councilors Violant Cervera, Gemma Geis and Jaume Giró; the leader of Junts en el Congreso, Míriam Nogueras, Toni Morral –delegate of the Generalitat in Barcelona and leader of the National Appeal for the Republic–, Aleix Sarri, Montserrat Girbau and Montserrat Caupena.

Albert Batet, who had been in the executive of the Convergència Democràtica de Catalunya, that of the PDECat, that of the Crida Nacional per la República and that of Junts, will not be in that body by his own decision, according to parliamentary sources. However, he will be able to attend the meetings if he is requested as president of the parliamentary group. According to these sources, he made the decision when he knew that Puigdemont would not continue as president.

The two candidates have offered a first image of unity at noon today in a joint appearance, although they have avoided responding to specific aspects of the project or program, and how they will position themselves on issues that are now on the political agenda. All these issues must be addressed in the second phase of the congress, in July. “We have concentrated on the compass, not the calculator. We offer the militancy a compass for the congress. From that compass all decisions will be declined. We will not do it the other way around, we will not pronounce now on the decisions”, Turull has justified.

Borràs bet a few days ago to reverse the pacts with the PSC in the Barcelona Provincial Council and at the local level, although other leaders of Junts consider that the mayors should have a free hand to negotiate in 2023; and for evaluating the degree of compliance with the agreement with Esquerra in the Catalan Executive and making decisions based on the perspectives drawn in the Junts audit carried out by Rius and the Minister of Foreign Action and Govern Obert, Victòria Alsina. Those matters are for later.