Last Saturday, May 7, 140 students from Catalonia and Aragon went to the ONCE building in Barcelona to take the tests corresponding to the semifinal of the Unidream 2022 Program.

It is a pre-university orientation program for 4th ESO and 1st Baccalaureate students where, in addition to all receiving a free report that guides them towards the best choice for their university career, students enter a contest in in which the best 18 of each edition get a free admission and scholarship process at excellent universities around the world.

In Unidream an innovative vocation is appreciated and different events are organized in different cities of Spain to which successful professionals in the most demanded sectors attend to tell what are the necessary requirements to succeed in their profession or to guide students towards their choice. university.

The speakers were Alfredo Bustillo, journalist and director of sponsorships at CaixaBank; Daniel Carro, Territorial Head of Talent Management, who attended together with Carlos Seguí, Territorial Director of Business Development, both from Quirónsalud; August Tarragó, head of the Syntagmia Group; and, finally, Enric Botí, territorial delegate of ONCE in Catalonia.

The talks connected with the students in such a way that some of them left the act convinced of what they wanted to study in the future or, on the contrary, having changed their minds about what they wanted to study thanks to the guidance of the speakers.

Unidream has the collaboration of the Endesa Foundation, European University, Insud Pharma, Reale Seguros, Quirón Salud and Domino’s Pizza.

At the close of the event, the organizers also wanted to thank the ONCE for its support, which provided its facilities.