The Hungarian Parliament on Monday re-elected Viktor Orbán as the country’s prime minister, a position he will hold for the fifth time in his political career.

The vote has resulted in 133 votes in favor, 27 against and no abstentions, according to information from the newspaper ‘Magyar Hirlap’. The leader of the Fidesz party has been at the head of the Executive since 2010 without interruption.

Orbán was elected prime minister of the country for the first time in 1998, a position that he later revalidated in 2010, 2014 and 2018. This Monday, shortly after the result of the vote was known, the president was sworn in before the Chamber.

Thus, in what was the first speech of Orbán’s fifth term, the Prime Minister thanked the deputies and insisted that “he will not forget that it is the decision of the people” that has led him to remain in office. can.

“We have worked for the trust of the electorate,” he asserted before clarifying that in 32 years of Hungarian democratic history, no party has received so much support. “We have gained the greatest trust even when the international left and the media have united against us. Brussels also wants our downfall,” she added.

In this sense, he has asserted that “this series of victories is unprecedented in the Western world”, so “it is mandatory to search for a deeper meaning”. “Hungarians have a sophisticated sense of danger and historical experience, they have learned that in times of danger, civil war can have serious consequences, including the loss of a country,” she said.

According to Orbán, the prime minister’s main responsibility is “to think about the times ahead and prepare Hungarians for it.” “You can never be smart enough alone”, he has said, although he has warned that Europe has entered the “age of dangers”.

“This decade will be an era of danger, insecurity and war. The policy of sanctions caused an energy crisis and the rise in interest rates by the United States has generated an era of inflation. All this will bring economic recession and the threatening epidemics could reappear,” he lamented.

Fidesz clearly prevailed in the elections held last April. After learning of his victory, Orbán sent a message to the EU, which is highly critical of his legislative reforms, to the “Brussels bureaucrats” and to the “Soros empire”. “Big centers of power and international organizations have gone against us. Now they can say that every penny they have given to the Hungarian left has been a waste,” he said then.

Orbán’s formation thus prevailed over the United for Hungary opposition coalition, which brings together six formations and had Peter Marki-Zay as its standard-bearer on an election day that took place calmly.

These data overturn the forecasts that pointed to a close dispute between Fidesz and the United for Hungary coalition and certify the conservative course proposed by Orbán.