The Government has supported this Tuesday the decision of Finland and Sweden to request their entry into NATO and has assured Spain that it will respond in solidarity to the security challenges that these two countries may face while their accession process is completed, in reference to the threats made by Russia.

“The Government of Spain supports the decision of the governments of Finland and Sweden to apply for NATO membership, as a result of an in-depth debate between their political and social forces and a serene and responsible assessment of the situation of the security architecture in Europe after Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine,” he said in a statement published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In Spain’s opinion, the entry of these “two consolidated democracies will strengthen NATO, an alliance of democracies that share values ​​and principles, the foundations of an international order based on rules.”

Thus, the Government has promised to promote, “in close consultation with the parliamentary forces, a prompt ratification by the Cortes Generales of the accession instruments” so that the entry can be effective.

Likewise, “it will respond in solidarity to the security challenges during the period between the signatures of the accession and its ratification by the thirty allied States, also taking into account the provisions of article 42.7 of the Treaty of European Union”, which provides assistance to an EU partner state in case of being the victim of military aggression.

This Tuesday the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, applauded Finland’s decision to formally request NATO membership and assured that it will be a valuable partner for the defense of democratic values.

In a message written on Twitter, Sánchez has also indicated that the Government will promote a “prompt ratification” by the General Courts of its entry into the Alliance.

“Spain welcomes Finland’s decision to apply for NATO membership. It will be a valuable partner in the defense of democratic values. The Government of Spain will promote prompt ratification by the Cortes Generales of its entry into the Alliance”, has tweeted.

The Chief Executive also made the announcement on Monday by Sweden after requesting this country to be included in NATO in the midst of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.