Light, agile, easy to park, with little consumption and low environmental impact. Compared to other vehicles, the motorcycle undoubtedly plays a prominent role in the new models of sustainable mobility in large cities.

Endless and insufferable traffic jams to reach the destination, parking problems, traffic restrictions… Traveling by car through big cities is becoming more complicated every day and the solution to these problems may be a motorcycle.

However, its use implies certain risks and you have to be very aware of the dangers that can arise when going to its controls:

– The shark fin of the bus lane.

-Ruts from heavy traffic.

-The potholes and the gravel of the works.

– Badly closed sewers.

-Curved expansion joints on bridges.

-Sliding paint and excess horizontal marking.

-Signs, posts and superfluous barriers.

-Improperly adjusted irrigation of the gardens and roundabouts that wets the asphalt.

-The bollards and blocks that separate lanes.

-The metallic grids of the Metro and the wet work plates.

-Tram rails.

-The remains of oil and tires that accumulate and adhere to the asphalt in the center of the lanes.

-The ‘Berlin cushions’ or ‘lying guards’.

-The obstacles with edges on the road or on the limits of the hard shoulder (drains, sidewalks, etc.).

-Water ponds due to poor drainage or lack of maintenance.