The president of the Superior Court of Justice of the Valencian Community (TSJCV), Pilar de la Oliva, has issued an agreement designating the positions in which 22 members of the LXXI Promotion of the Judicial School will serve, in its phase of substitution or reinforcement. One of them has been assigned as reinforcement to the Investigating Court number 13 of Valencia, which processes the macro-cause of the so-called ‘Azud case’.

The new togados will thus complete their training period between July 1 and November 30 of this year, before choosing their destination, the Valencian high court reports in a statement.

Three of the students in this promotion will carry out their functions in the province of Alicante: two of them as reinforcement in the Courts of Social 1 and Contentious-Administrative 1 of Elche and the third as transversal reinforcement in the four courts of First Instance and Instruction of Elda.

Another three have been assigned to judicial bodies in the province of Castellón, specifically to reinforce the Court of First Instance and Investigation number 3 of Nules and another two to replace the holders who, due to transfer, license or competition, have vacated the seats of the Court. the only one of First Instance and Instruction of Segorbe and the one of Penal number 1 of Castellón de la Plana.

Likewise, four members of the last promotion of the School will reinforce in a transversal way the Social Courts of Valencia, another four will carry out these reinforcing functions in the First Instance Courts that do not have specialization and as many others in the Court of First Instance number 25, known as Ground Clauses Court.

Likewise, a judge from the School will reinforce the Civil Section of the Court of First Instance and Instruction 2 of Sagunto, another the mixed court number 5 of Catarroja and a third will make a transversal reinforcement of the other four courts of First Instance and Instruction existing in this location.