The Government of Madrid continues to take advantage of every legal loophole it finds to circumvent the new state education law, the Lomloe. On this occasion, it has done so through the decree that regulates the evaluation, promotion and certification of ESO, Baccalaureate, FP and adult education. There he introduces the obligation that a large majority of the teachers of the centers be the ones who determine how many failures they can pass the course.

The Lomloe does not set specific criteria to decide whether a student with failures should pass the course or obtain the ESO degree. And neither does it leave the autonomous communities to develop these criteria. Madrid has decided to recommend to teachers that they continue to apply the criteria that were used until now, with the previous law: in ESO, with three failures – other than Mathematics and Language – they can be promoted, something that “already seems permissive enough to us », explained the Minister of Education, Enrique Ossorio. In Baccalaureate, state law says that you can go to university with a fail, and Madrid recommends that the current regulations be applied and not be allowed.

Although these are recommendations, it will be compulsory for these decisions to be made by the teaching teams of each center by qualified majority: two-thirds of the teachers in ESO, and four-fifths in Baccalaureate. In this way, the counselor insists, the aim is to “maintain the culture of effort among students and the quality of teaching.”