The association ‘Canarias por la Vida’ has spoken out before the initiative of the Ministry of Equality on the reform of the abortion law that it considers “will bring more neglect to vulnerable women”.

For her spokesperson, Romina Gemignani, being able to access an abortion as a minor and without the parents’ knowledge, drawing up a list of objecting doctors and eliminating the period of reflection “makes women even more helpless”, because by allowing access abortion to minors without the need for their parents’ knowledge is “leaving them abandoned at a time of special vulnerability and uncertainty, without the support of those who know and love them the most.”

According to Romina Gemignani, “it is also exposing them to a lifetime of carrying the weight of abortion and its possible physical and psychological consequences, which we would not wish on any woman and, unfortunately, there are many who come to us with dramatic consequences. .»

As he has argued, early abortion “probably brings with it a higher rate of recidivism”, because with it the message is received that “abortion is one more contraceptive method, when it is not, because the conception has already taken place and there is already his son, with whom it ends«.

Finally, from the pro-life platform they consider that “the right of parents to the care of their children is violated and their parental authority is undermined, placing them at the level of irrelevant, something absolutely reprehensible”.

Regarding the elimination of the period of reflection, they consider that “already 3 days were notoriously insufficient to weigh such a vital decision”, so as to “even consider as a serious proposal that the deadlines be rushed even further ». The women, she affirms, “no longer received all the information with the current law, because they were not allowed to see an ultrasound, hear the baby’s heartbeat, or know exactly what the procedure was going to be like, its possible consequences or the fate of her baby’s remains.” In addition, he recalls, »they were not thoroughly informed about all the available aids, so the conditions for true informed consent were not met«.

With the new reform, this “will be considered valid and the woman is left defenseless and her freedom restricted”, because “without information a fully conscious decision cannot be made”.

For the association, the list of objecting doctors is “another means of pressure to violate their right, because they will be recorded”, in a kind of »blacklist« for »wanting to do what is their vocation, which is, take care of all their patients, regardless of age or developmental status«.

For the spokeswoman, “the unborn baby, the most defenseless and innocent, is made invisible and set aside as a nuisance”, when “he deserves the same care and protection as his mother, even more, for being the most vulnerable”.