The countdown begins for the EvAU. University entrance exams represent one of the most demanding and stressful moments in a student’s career. Nerves, doubts, uncertainty, tiredness… very tired. At this point, there are several tips to keep in mind to try to do the best possible. “Combating anxiety is not a matter of a few days,” recalls Jesús Ramírez, an educational psychologist. Self-control techniques should be done from the beginning of the second year of high school, such as “the rejection of absurd ideas, visualization and relaxation through autogenic training of Schultz”, he adds. Good planning is essential to arrive at the test well prepared and in the last days “it is time to review, without stress or worries thinking that the topics are mastered,” highlights José Pascual, director of the Pascal Institute.

And when facing the exam, «you have to be calmer, the better and, above all, very focused. Read the exam calmly, to make a better choice of the optional questions”, advises Rosa de la Fuente, Vice-Rector for UCM Students.

Anxiety accompanies students throughout the course, and self-control techniques must be performed. On the day of the exam, “they should take a deep breath to increase confidence,” recalls Jesús Ramírez. To avoid nerves in the different tests, «as Cholo Simeone says, you have to go game by game. Think about the next exam and so on », he adds.

In the final stretch, after many weeks of study, you have to look for motivation. In less than a month the students have to face many exams, but they can have their reward. “Once they take the last test of the EvAU, they are going to have the longest vacation of their life, so it is worth that last effort,” Ramírez highlights. Scheduling a trip can help with motivation.

It is common to feel insecure, and this affects the performance of the test. “For these moments, the technique of rejecting absurd ideas is infallible,” says the educational psychologist. It is also normal for them to become obsessed with the cut-off marks of the races and to feel fear of not being able to enter the desired studies. It is convenient to be realistic, to know what grades are going to be able to study and to have the notes present.

The day has 24 hours and you have to distribute them properly. «8 hours of study, 8 hours of rest (get enough sleep) and 8 hours of leisure. This equitable distribution will make the student feel better”, indicates José Pascal. He has proven that we are more efficient in the study and we remember what we studied better, if we take short breaks between study sessions.

To avoid fatigue, there is a very useful method that is saving time. “They should learn that there is time for everything and that when it comes to having fun, they should forget about exams and have fun,” Ramírez suggests. When it’s time to study, what they should do is focus on studying, “in this way they learn to control time and there is less fatigue.”

It is essential to be efficient, in addition to following a good method and “setting long, medium and short-term goals,” says Pascal. You must follow sequenced steps that allow you to learn the topics well and remember them at the time of the exam: collection, search and selection of information; comprehensive reading; analysis and underlining of the themes; synthesis or scheme; memorization, scheduled reviews and self-assessment.

One of the most important techniques is that of reviews. “You have to keep in mind that they have been studying for two years and therefore you have to review, review what you have studied,” highlights José Pascual. For them to be easy and really effective, another technique that must have been applied is “the execution of outlines of each of the topics as a personal and worked synthesis of them,” he adds.

It is one of the points where the experts agree: “Do not study on the last day, but rest or do some activity that distracts them,” advises De la Fuente. For his part, Ramírez suggests “that they lie down in the park, look at the stars or the clouds and forget about everything. Last-minute review can help refresh concepts, but it can also create some anxiety.”

It is something that cannot be missed on the day of the test as well as peace of mind. «Read the exam calmly, to make a better choice of the optional questions In each exam, calculate which strategy is better, for example, start with the most difficult or time-consuming, or with the most controlled, or alternate », indicates the vice-rector for Students of the UCM. And calculate the energy to last throughout the exam.

Do not forget the DNI, blue or black ink pen and the material for subjects such as Latin and/or Greek (dictionary), Calculative Sciences) and Technical Drawing. If you have not visited the university campus before, “it is advisable to arrive an hour in advance, at least on the first day of the exam, to locate the building and the classroom with ease. The best option is public transport”, emphasizes Rosa de la Fuente.