He avoids specifying if VAT on feminine hygiene products will be lowered in the next Budgets


The First Vice President and Minister of Economic Affairs, Nadia Calviño, described this Thursday as “very positive” the approval of the preliminary draft of the Abortion Law that contemplates sick leave due to painful menstruation.

For Calviño, it is “very positive” to have “adequate regulations and regulation of a situation experienced by many women who have a previous pathology and which gives rise to this disabling menstruation.” These statements, to Cadena Ser collected by Europa Press, come days after warning that the Government was not going to take any measure that “stigmatized” women.

The second vice president has specified that “they have been working on many drafts, the wording has been adapted” and has assured that it is “very clear” that this “is a feminist government” that “will never adopt a regulation that could stigmatize women women”. “It is a government that is committed to gender equality and we must promote the participation of women in the labor market”, defended the vice president.

She has also been convinced that the preliminary draft of the Abortion Law that has been brought to a public hearing “is positive” because “it advances gender equality and the integration of women in the labor market.” “We are a feminist and progressive government and I think it is good that we have made progress,” she reiterated.

Regarding the reduction of VAT on feminine hygiene products, he has defended that they be addressed within the framework of the budget debate and has highlighted the adoption of measures such as the free distribution of these products in social, educational and penitentiary centers.

“There are multiple ways to address this issue, which is to guarantee all women the instruments, the utensils, the products that we have to use every month; in this bill we made a very powerful decision, which is to give access to people who may be more vulnerable because we are putting public money where it is needed”, explained the Minister for Economic Affairs.

In his opinion, “the tax debates have to be in the budgetary sphere, which is what happens every year.” “We are moving in the right direction with this text because we are focusing on supporting women with a focus on social justice and gender equality,” she added.

On whether the VAT reduction on these products will be included in the next General State Budgets, Calviño has avoided specifying it and has limited himself to explaining that “the most useful instruments to advance” in this aspect will be seen in the public accounts.

Regarding the discrepancies with his government partner in laws such as the abortion reform or the ‘only yes is yes’, Calviño has described the debate within the Executive as “normal”, but has opted not to take it to a approach “of constant battle because it does not reflect reality”.

“The debates are normal, but they have to stay within the scope that they have to take place”, assured the Vice President of the Government, although she has admitted feeling “very sorry” in the last two weeks for having “had a debate of women against women who They should all be together.”

And he “regretted” that “a measure that seems obvious has not been adopted, such as ending prostitution, with 21st century slavery”, alluding to the amendment presented by the PSOE to the Law of Guarantees of Sexual Freedom that had to be finally withdrawn.

“I think that in this country, which is a reference in terms of human rights, the majority of the population agrees with ending this form of slavery”, explained Calviño, who has guaranteed that “the fight will continue in this direction” .

The vice president has also denied that the confrontations in the Government are due to an interest in seeing who manages to score the goals. “Of course not for my part,” replied the minister.