The president of the PP-A and candidate for re-election as president of the Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Moreno, has expressed this Friday that he would like to be able to “confront” in the campaign for the regional elections on June 19 with all the candidates who are have registered, including the Vox candidate, Macarena Olona, ​​but everything will depend on what the Electoral Board decides.

This is how Moreno has pronounced on the open controversy surrounding the registration of the Vox candidate for the Presidency of the Andalusian Government, Macarena Olona, ​​in Salobreña (Granada), in statements to journalists on the occasion of his attendance at the Regional Congress of PP of Madrid.

Moreno has wanted to make it clear that he would like to “confront and confront all the candidates who have registered for the June 19 elections”, because he believes that it would be “the reasonable thing to do”. However, he has pointed out that he also wants to make an observation “and that is that the rules must obviously be complied with”.

“This is a decision that does not correspond to the PP or to anyone, but to the Central Electoral Board, which I imagine will make the decision that is correct”, as indicated by the president of the Board in relation to the validity or not of the registration of Olona in Salobreña to be able to opt for the elections of June 19 as a candidate.

He later expressed himself in similar terms in his speech at the XVIII Congress of the PP in Madrid, where he stated that he “desires to confront all the leaders who have stood for regional elections.” “With everyone and with all”, he has pointed out.

Thus, the president of the Junta de Andalucía has assured that he would not like “due to an administrative transfer, a candidate from a certain party would be left out of the list and the competition.”

“It is true that you have to know the administration. I recently heard that formation say that we had to return the powers of Health and Education to the central government. Can you imagine the pandemic managed by Sánchez in Andalusia, Madrid, Murcia, Castilla y León or Galicia ?”, He asked himself, to add that this is one of “the differences” between the PP and Vox, a party that he has not mentioned by name.

Moreno has assured that in this Madrid conclave he also wanted to talk about his “book” because, as he recalled, on June 19 they will hold elections in his community.

After assuring that he faces the appointment with the polls with “all the desire and enthusiasm”, he has indicated that he believes that things have gone “reasonably well” in these three and a half years of Government in Andalusia while four years ago what “always accompanied the word Andalusia was ERE, corruption and irregularities of the PSOE”.

“Now many of you will have noticed that when talking about Andalusia, one of every four jobs is Andalusian”, he has proclaimed, adding that a “quiet change” is taking place that “has no turning back for Andalusia”.


For this reason, he has said that the PP-A is going to “leave the skin” to “convince all Andalusians”. “But not only to those who think like us, but to those socialists who do not believe in sanchismo and are embarrassed by Sánchez’s policies of permanent cession to nationalism and independence. All of them have their home in this great common project and shared that it is the PP and heads Feijóo”, he asserted.

Moreover, he stressed that the PP is the “party of the middle classes”, which “transforms Spain” and is “the backbone” of the country. “Without our party we would not have been able to write the history of Spain,” he said.

Moreno has praised Ayuso and has said that he was proud to be “partner and friend” of her. “And I am proud of the transformation that together with Feijóo we are going to make in Spain to defeat sanchismo in our country”, he asserted.


The Andalusian president, who woke up the audience with a euphoric speech, stressed that Ayuso “has always been passion, illusion and commitment”. Following this, he has praised Madrid’s policies.

“I want to compete with you, dear Isabel, because there is nothing better for Spain than all the Autonomous Communities, we agree to do what Madrid is doing to generate more progress, employment and well-being. That is to compete. I have already announced that, if the Andalusians want, I am going to do Andalusia the community with the same taxation as Madrid to be able to develop economic and social policies as Madrid has done”.