With an unemployment rate of 3.9% in Quebec and a labor shortage in many sectors, one out of two young people aged 35 and under is thinking of changing jobs soon.

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In these times of “great resignation”, people are less and less able to bear certain dissatisfactions at work. In the United States, millions quit their jobs during the pandemic.

They are much less likely to have done so in Quebec, but they are thinking about it, note a lot of studies, the latest of which comes from Léger, published at the beginning of the month.

“We wanted to understand why it is so difficult to retain and retain young talent,” explains Christian Bourque, vice-president of the polling firm.

It shows that 43% of workers aged 18-34 are looking elsewhere.

“The proportion is no different among those who are satisfied with their job or among those who are not,” analyzes the pollster.

They are also 28% to have already changed jobs in the last 24 months.

Conclusion ? Employers may meet their “basic requirements”, but that does not mean that they will stay.

Young people need to find that what they are doing is relevant and important. “They want to make a difference and constantly accomplish themselves,” summarizes Mr. Bourque.

The active population aged 15 to 34 in Quebec was 1,548,300 people in 2021, or one third of the 4.6 million workers in the province.

Listen, listen, listen

At first glance, one cannot say that this is a bad thing. Of course, that comes with its own set of challenges.

“They have an immense desire to learn, to touch everything, to develop continuously. If they don’t add more strings to their bow every year, that’s where they get tired and look elsewhere,” observes Marc-André Lanciault, co-owner and chief technology officer at illuxi.

Like his partner Philippe Richard Bertrand, the boss of the online training box is well placed to talk about it: 15 of the 20 illuxi employees are under 35 years old.

They are developers, project managers, salespeople.

“You can’t hire a millennial and say ‘here’s what you’re going to do, here’s the goals’ and think it’s going to last for the next four or five years. We have to change that, upgrade it constantly, ”says the boss.

He gives the example of his “top salesman”, who has mastered the art of the sales technique for what illuxi offers.

“He needs a new challenge, he wants to touch on something else,” continues the chief technology officer.

Do your classes

In a completely different field, this is also what the 33-year-old specialized educator Carmélia Victor is experiencing.

“I’ve been doing this for over 10 years. I do not see myself finishing my professional life as a special education teacher, I will always be one in the soul, it is in me, but I see myself doing something else, ”she says candidly.

She has arrived at a “new stage” in her life and wants to “use other talents”.

Carmélia Victor has also given herself the means to achieve her ambitions, by completing a certificate in marketing at HEC Montréal during the pandemic.

“It reminds me of a teenage crisis, I’m in the process of finding out what I would like to do,” she laughs.

She also has in her pocket a certificate of professional specialization in entrepreneurship. But before going into business, she will first go and hone her skills in her new field.

“I’m ready to do my classes,” she says.

The expression Great Resignation was born in the United States to designate the phenomenon of massive and sudden resignation of millions of workers. It began in the winter of 2021. It was caused by the lifestyle changes brought about by the pandemic. The vast majority of those who decided to quit would be older people retiring early or young people quitting their jobs overnight.

As prejudices are prevalent about young employees, especially the one that they don’t want to work, Leger wanted to bring another story to light. What the pollsters found goes beyond the younger generation: regardless of age, Quebecers are dissatisfied with work.

Reasons why employees left their job or industry

Reasons for looking for a new job

A lot of staff turnover

The mainstay (16% of the workforce)

In times of labor shortage, the pillar has a lower risk of leaving his post; however, he is less happy at work than the go-getter. Although he is loyal, he is under financial stress and struggles with his work environment. These people want to work in a “caring”, “understanding” and “supportive” environment.

The lone wolf (18% of the workforce)

As the phenomenon of the great resignation threatens, the lone wolf presents a lower risk of leaving his post. This segment is quite individualistic; he is comfortable with himself and knows what he wants. His ideal work environment is “flexible” and “adaptable”. He is most likely to prefer remote work.

The go-getter (41% of the workforce)

In the event of a large resignation, the go-getter presents a lower risk of leaving his post. This is great news for employers, as this segment represents a significant proportion of the workforce. These people want to work in a “fun” and “enjoyable” environment.

The flâneur (15% of the workforce)

In a situation of great resignation, the flâneur presents a high risk of leaving his post. He is deeply unhappy and finds no purpose or meaning in his life; his job is “just a job” and not a career. He has the hardest time describing the ideal workplace for him.

The dreamer (9% of the workforce)

When the big resignation is on the horizon, the dreamer presents a very high risk of leaving his position. He can be easily lured in by higher pay and promises of something “better”, even if he doesn’t really know what will make him happy in the end. This segment is likely to think the grass is greener elsewhere. Her ideal workplace is “fun” and “flexible”.

Methodology: The Rethinking HR during the Great Resignation survey was conducted from November 15 to December 1, 2021, with 3,008 Canadians who are currently employed, or who will soon join or re-enter the workforce. By way of comparison, a probability sample of this size would yield a margin of error that would not exceed ±1.8% (19 times out of 20).