The campus that the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) has in Talavera de la Reina is going to offer a master’s degree in Strategic Management in Information Technology, as announced on Monday by the president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, visiting the city.

The new degree will serve to train managers in the field of new technologies and is related to the installation in Talavera of companies such as Meta, as well as the Gaia-X project. Page affirmed that these studios have “a huge future” and that is what companies and administrations are demanding, so “now it is more urgent than ever to launch the new campus” in the city.

Meanwhile, the mayor, Tita García Élez, commented that work is being done to “double the number of meters dedicated” to the university, with the aim of “that talent from Talavera stays in Talavera and is trained in Talavera”, in addition to hosting to all the people who come to the city to study.

In this sense, the mayor considers that in 2019 a “giant step” was taken with the Degree in Computer Engineering, which has become a “cornerstone of the change in the productive model” based on the technologies that are intended.