Traveling by Metro and downloading the first pages or chapters of the best-selling books for free is now possible, thanks to the collaboration agreement signed by the underground company with the Madrid Publishers Association, during the Book Fair. The offer reaches the ten best-selling books of the moment.

The procedure to achieve this is very simple: the downloads will be carried out by passengers using a QR code that can be found in the virtual library of the Metro stations closest to El Retiro Park, in whose gardens this edition is based again , like every year, the Book Fair. These are the Príncipe de Vergara, Ibiza and Retiro stations.

The idea of ​​the president of Metro and Minister of Transport, David Pérez, is to turn this public transport system into “the largest reading room in Madrid”. To facilitate this, it will be possible to download for free on mobile devices those first pages or first chapters of the ‘best sellers’ of the moment, so that the reader has the opportunity to ‘get hooked’ on reading and, very close, at the Feria del Book, the place to get a copy to continue reading it.

Once the mobile or tablet has been brought close to the QR code, you access the website of the Madrid Publishers Association, where the first pages of these ten most successful books will be found.

Metro will be present this year at the Book Fair at the information booth, with a retrospective for the 25th anniversary of the Libros a la Calle initiative to promote reading. For this same reason, 120 posters will be displayed on the platforms and vestibules of the underground, with a selection of the covers of the most outstanding works that have been reproduced during these years, which will also be available to download inside the trains through a QR code.

The Libros a la Calle initiative, developed in the Metro by the Madrid Publishers Association, includes a selection of narrative texts, humor, poetry, essays, books travel, philosophy, theater, history or educational texts, which are offered to the traveler to entertain and enrich their journey.