Positives for Covid continue to decline in the Community. This Tuesday, Health has communicated 2,717 more in the last four days -almost 900 less than last Friday-, although the number of deaths remains the same. Specifically, another 47 deaths have been registered as a result of the coronavirus in recent days.

Of these, three have occurred in nursing homes in the Community, while the rest have taken place in hospitals in the region. León (11), Burgos (8), Salamanca (7) and Valladolid (7) accumulate 75 percent of the deaths and only Ávila has not registered deaths in the last four days.

Active outbreaks drop to 94 after they were maintained last Friday, when they stood at 111.

In addition, the people who have managed to overcome the disease and leave the hospital in recent days reach almost 300.

In the case of nursing homes, eight people remain in isolation with symptoms, while another 166 are in the same situation on a preventive basis, since they do not have symptoms of Covid.