The president of the Junta de Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, has charged this Tuesday against the head of the central government, Pedro Sánchez, whom he accuses of creating “a drama” in “everyday life” of families and companies, while the Socialist spokesman, Luis Tudanca, has made him ugly that he has “napped” in these months in the face of the social and economic situation of the Community.

Alfonso Fernández Mañueco and Luis Tudanca have resumed their ‘face to face’, in plenary session of the Cortes in this new Legislature after the last elections in February, with differences over the economic data of Spain and Castilla y León and criticism for the measures adopted or not by the State Executive and the Board.

The socialist spokesman has asked the president for an assessment of the economic situation and released a battery of data such as Castilla y León being the second community in which inflation has grown the most, the one that has reduced industrial production the most or that five capitals are among the 15 with a lower activity rate.

But the socialist has also taken advantage of his speech to reproach Fernández Mañueco for having formed a government with “the extreme right” and for behaving as if nothing has happened since February. “The worst thing is that they napped in a difficult and complicated situation,” he has disfigured.

“Despite Sánchez’s disastrous economic policy, Castilla y León is on the right track towards recovery, we were the ones that fell the least and the ones that are going to recover the fastest, we are among the five communities that are going to reach the GDP pre-pandemic”, replied the Chairman of the Board.

For its part, Tudanca, who insists on showing Vox’s positions in relation to the sexual education of schoolchildren or in claiming women as “givers” of life in “the handmaid’s tale”, rejects the dice offered, which he put before to the 20 million jobs in Spain with the labor reform and government measures. “She lives in an unreal world,” she has asserted.

The socialist has continued in his criticism with the MIR vacancies not covered, but adds that in “the only thing” that Castilla y León is “champion” is in the loss of population, with the data of Castilla y León compared to those presented by the Government one could speak of the “drama of the apocalypse”, adds Tudanca.

“Anyone who listens to him seems that the people of Castilla y León live on another planet, the Castilians and Leonese have decided the Government and who is in the opposition,” argues Fernández Mañueco, who insists on his criticism of Sánchez for being the “only that he has not gone to buy an umbrella” before “the clouds” of which he was alerted.

Fernández Mañueco has recalled that the first measure of his Government has been an anti-crisis plan with almost 500 million for families and companies, with lower taxes for all and the management of 620 million of the new European funds. “The opposite of Sánchez, who has been stripped of the colors by the Bank of Spain for being unable to stop the rise in the CPI, fuel and electricity.” “They have made it a drama to go shopping to fill the deposit”, he has launched, to which he has added that he does not fulfill the promise with the autonomies to lower taxes.

“Leave the smoke screens to cover your shame and that of Sánchez”, the president has demanded, who has asked for a serious economic policy and assures that there is one. Finally, he has accused Sánchez that the Government’s debt amounts to 211 million euros per day 1,500 euros to citizens per year.