After Spain added 222,200 public jobs more than before the pandemic in 2021, the Government is once again committed to job creation in this area. After approval on Tuesday by the Council of Ministers, the BOE publishes today the public employment offer (OEP) for 2022, the largest in history, with a total of 44,787 places. Of these, 34,151 places correspond to the ordinary offer, 12.2% more than in 2021, and 10,636 to the temporary staff stabilization offer.

The 34,151 positions that make up the ordinary public employment offer for this year are divided into 25,471 positions for the General State Administration (15,880 free entry and 9,591 internal promotion); 4,992 positions for the National Police and Civil Guard (4,342 free entry and 650 internal promotion); 1,737 for the Administration of Justice (945 free entry and 792 internal promotion), and 1,951 positions for the Armed Forces (842 direct entry and 1,109 internal promotion).

In total, the positions for internal promotion within the ordinary offer add up to 12,142, in order to take advantage of and encourage existing internal talent and guarantee the professional career of public employees.

With these objectives, changes in the selection processes are also contemplated to prevent people who show up for this shift from having to be examined for knowledge that they have already accredited.

To prepare this year’s OEP, agreed with the Civil Service unions, the Government has carried out a study of the casualties registered in the previous year, has identified the needs of citizens and their foreseeable evolution and has taken into account its priority policies, the needs of linked people and the new personnel requirements derived from the Recovery Plan.

Likewise, the personnel needs presented by the different ministerial departments have been evaluated; A study has been carried out on the evolution of the last five OEPs, their degree of execution and the pool of existing opponents for each body, scale or professional category, and the positions filled by interim staff in each ministerial department have been analyzed by body. , scale or professional category.

At the same time, a forecast of new services covered by new approved regulations has been made.

It has also been taken into account that the General State Budget Law establishes a replacement rate of 110% in general, which rises to 120% for essential services and 125% for the State Security Forces and Bodies.

For its part, of the more than 10,600 positions that make up the interim staff stabilization offer for this year, 4,692 positions are for the General State Administration and 5,945 for the Administration of Justice.

27.5% of the places that make up the 2022 OEP are aimed at social cohesion and services to citizens; 19% to green and sustainable economy and 14.6% to digital transformation. In addition, 20% of the free access offer of the AGE will be allocated to STEM profiles (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), with 3,267 places.

The General State Budget Law also presents a series of rules for making the replacement rate more flexible that have expanded the cases that do not count in said rate, such as the places necessary for the start-up and operation of new services covered by regulations with legal status.

This will allow the reinforcement of the Social Security workforce with 1,150 places to meet its structural needs and guarantee the provision of new services to citizens, such as the management and control of the Minimum Vital Income or the new ERTE established in the reform. labor.

To this end, this year’s Public Employment Offer doubles the number of places for Labor and Social Security Inspectors compared to last year.

The OEP of the Tax Agency, for its part, has gone from 1,412 places in 2021 to 1,836 in 2022, which represents an increase of 30%, due to the emphasis placed by the Government on the fight against fraud.

The OEP Royal Decree for the year 2022 also introduces novelties in terms of selection and includes the provisions contained in the Executive Plan 2022-2024, which specifies the measures to modernize and streamline the selection processes, professionalize the selection bodies and democratize access to public employment.

Thus, the calls will make it possible to carry out selective tests that coincide in time; the selection bodies must have a number of people that allows the existence of several courts for the same selection process; In the processes of internal promotion, tests whose knowledge has been previously accredited will be exempted and practical exercises and short or alternative answers will be encouraged.

They also highlight measures to promote equal opportunities in access to public employment, such as the preparation and free availability of materials to help prepare oppositions; the elaboration of a study of economic aid for the preparation of oppositions, and the decentralization of the selective processes throughout the territory to avoid that the opposition people have to travel to Madrid to be examined.

For the sake of agility and efficiency, all the 2020 and 2021 SPOs not yet called will be accumulated to the 2022 SPO calls, which will have to take place before December 31, 2022.