As has been happening since the coalition government between the PSOE and United We Can was formed in 2020, everything related to the Monarchy causes friction between both formations. Especially when it comes to Felipe VI, whose transparency measures in recent years the socialists defend, while the leaders of the purple formation insist, time and time again, on discrediting the monarch. Although with regard to Juan Carlos I, the criticisms of both parties have been more consistent in recent days, on the occasion of the first visit to Spain by the King’s father two years after leaving our country to settle in Abu Dhabi. To that script responded, in principle, the course of the session of control to the Government of this Wednesday in the Congress of Deputies.

For example, when in response to a question from the ERC, the Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, asked to differentiate between the monarchical institution and “the behavior of the King Emeritus” and praised the efforts in “transparency” of the Casa del Rey. «Felipe VI is working so that our Monarchy is exemplary at a European level, and we are going to collaborate for this» concluded Bolaños. Until an allusion by the leader of Podemos and Minister of Social Rights, Ione Belarra, to Don Juan Carlos, has caused an ovation not only from his bench, but also from that of the Socialist Group, including its spokesman, Héctor Gómez, and the number two of the PSOE, Adriana Lastra, while the socialist ministers present in the blue bench remained without applauding, as did some rank-and-file deputies of the Socialist Group, surely disconcerted by that allusion.

Specifically, Belarra, who was answering a question from the PP about poverty, concluded her reply to a deputy from the Popular Group by assuring that in order for there to be equality among citizens, she argued, “the Treasury fraudsters, including those who participate in regattas in Galicia, they have to pay what corresponds to them in Spain. Are they going to support a tax reform that makes the rich pay what they have to in Spain? That is the question, Your Honor, «concluded with emphasis the general secretary of Podemos.

Right after that question, the Minister for Equality, Irene Montero, who sits next to Belarra on the blue bench, left the Hemicycle and turned on her feet, to point to the popular bench, from where shouts and exclamations were uttered . At that time, the president of the Lower House, Meritxell Batet, asked the popular for silence, personifying her request in two specific deputies: Alberto Casero, known for the error in the vote that allowed the labor reform to be approved in February, and Eloy Suárez, deputy for Zaragoza.

In the midst of the hubbub, Montero stopped on his way to the exit, to turn towards the popular bench and demand calm with a gesture of his hands. The Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, who was also leaving the Hemicycle at that moment, took her by the arm and encouraged her to leave. Before, Batet had snapped at the PP deputies: «But where do they think they are? They are in the Congress of Deputies, respect the institution.