“The provisional inadmission to the Sefarad Secondary Education Institute of 10 students from the San Lucas y María Public School, both located in the Historic Center of Toledo, seems intolerable to us.” This is how the letter begins that this Thursday morning has been presented by the directive of the association of mothers and fathers of students (AMPA) of the center of Early Childhood and Primary Education on behalf of the parents affected by this decision of the Ministry of Education.

“We want to express our absolute indignation at the inadmissibility in a center that we assume is the reference of our school”, they state from the AMPA of the CEIP San Lucas and María in the letter presented in the Delegation of the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha in Toledo.

They also add that in this public school a bilingual French language program is being developed, although now in a residual way, from which the affected students and their entire class have benefited and which continues at IES Sefarad. For this reason, the AMPA points out that the non-admission of these boys in this institute would prevent them from continuing their compulsory studies “under the same conditions.”

But their complaint not only comes from the educational issue, but also as residents of the Historic Center for “forcing twelve-year-old boys and girls, who could walk to their school, to go by public or private transport, leaving their neighborhood and its environment involuntarily. In this sense, the Toledo City Council, when asked about possible support for these parents and students, did not want to comment on the matter.

For all these reasons, from the AMPA they address both the Ministry of Education, the delegate of this department in Toledo, José Gutiérrez, and the president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, because, being a provisional resolution, « they are in time to settle” and give these 10 students a place at IES Sefarad. In addition, they request that this situation not be repeated in future years and that schoolchildren from CEIP San Lucas y María be given direct affiliation to their neighborhood institute.

In response to these complaints, the Education delegate of the Community Board in Toledo, José Gutiérrez, has asked the parents of the San Lucas y María school for peace of mind “because the list of those admitted and not admitted by centers is still provisional, since the final one will be published on June 29, in which they may be able to enter ». He adds, on the other hand, that this final and official list will depend on the number of repeaters and the offer of places at the center in question, IES Sefarad.

“The processes are totally public, transparent and, in addition, each one knows the score they have”, the Education delegate wanted to make clear, who said that this Thursday first thing in the morning they attended a group of parents from the San Lucas school and María, to whom it has been explained how this scale works with which several tens of thousands of students have been educated throughout Castilla-La Mancha.

In any case, José Gutiérrez will hold a meeting at 9:00 a.m. this Friday with the director of the institute, Julio Megía Sanmiguel, to find a possible solution, which could involve the creation of another group of 1st ESO (Compulsory Secondary Education). ) to be able to welcome in some space of the center those 10 students who have not been admitted to the provisional list.