Sergas sets a new goal to speed up visits to the GP. Through a statement, he reported that he will try to ensure that 90% of patients can be treated in less than four days. The goal is part of the seven management agreements signed by each of the Galician health areas. In recent months, the opposition has denounced the excessive wait to be treated at the health center. The PSdeG even tried in Parliament to limit the wait to two days, but the proposal did not bear fruit due to the refusal of the popular.

The 90% target will be a slight improvement on the current figures. The Ministry of Health indicates that currently 86% of primary care professionals already have an appointment available for their patients in less than four days. In 66% of cases, the wait is less than two.

However, the Xunta has designed several instruments to decongest the agendas of the facultatives.

Other purposes set out in the agreements are the implementation of the instruments that will allow the accessibility objective to be achieved. Thus, it will be established that a minimum of 90% of Primary Care services must have implemented the XIDE system for comprehensive team demand management, to distribute demand among different professionals in the sector, or quality agendas for medical personnel family and nursing, which contribute to a more rational management of their time. The reinforcement of the administrative activity in the centers is also included in the objectives, such as the setting of 100% of primary care services that must have an implanted agenda or the activation of the CRM100 call management system so that 95% of user calls are returned the same day.

The spokesman for Health of the Socialist Party in Galicia, Julio Torrado, also referred to the situation of Galician Primary Care. Torrado considered that the job insecurity and the poor prospects of the public health system, derived from the management of the Popular Party of Galicia, are behind the inability of the Xunta to cover all the MIR places for Primary Care in 2022. The deputy has already presented a battery of parliamentary initiatives to demand the “change of care model” to “prize” Primary Care and guarantee the working conditions of health personnel. The PSdeG demands the improvement of the working conditions of the doctors, “fundamentally in the tendency to contract the most stable possible and with greater stability and predictability to facilitate the linking of the professionals of the system”.