The City Council of Talavera de la Reina has proceeded to pay the sentence of the employment plans this Friday, May 27. This has been announced by the mayor, Tita García Élez, who has informed at a press conference that the transfers have been made to pay the sentence of these employment plans corresponding to 2016, 2017, 2018 and of Depressed Rural Areas of those years. “Important and long-awaited news for the more than 1,200 families that were pending this procedure,” she said.

“We fulfilled what we promised, paying a sentence for which this City Council was condemned”, said the mayor and it has been executed following the transactional agreements reached with the representatives of the workers and that have the approval of the Court.

García Élez has shown his satisfaction because “today we have complied with the more than 1,200 families affected by the ruling, people who did a job and it was fair that they receive what they were entitled to; they did not have to pay for the errors of those who were in charge of the management during the previous legislature».

The mayor has recalled that it was in May 2019 when an appeal was made to the Supreme Court, which did nothing but delay the payment and the solution to this conflict. However, García Élez’s government team set out to solve it, “and today it is a reason for collective joy.” She has also highlighted the local Executive’s commitment to active employment policies, but “always with legal certainty, agreements with unions and the guarantee that they come to help those who need it most.”

Accompanied by the councilors of the Interior Regime, Flora Bellón, and of the Treasury, Luis Enrique Hidalgo, she thanked those who have participated in this process, such as all the legal services, Personnel and Ipeta workers, for their work, and highlighted the volume of work that has involved from obtaining the loan from the Ministry to the preparation of more than 8,000 pay slips.

He has also advanced that Social Security will be paid next June, which the City Council is also obliged to pay, although he has highlighted the work of the municipal government and the sensitivity of the Ministry and Social Security, since the efforts have been fruitful and You will not have to pay a 20% surcharge for this concept.

For her part, the municipal spokesperson, Flora Bellón, has sent a message to the PP asking them to apologize to the 1,200 families affected by their management of the employment plans, “and to assume their responsibility, which is serious and which is political ».