Friday, June 3, 2022 at 3 p.m. Entertainment room in Hourtin-Port. The Universite des temps libre will host Caroline Le Mao (lector at Bordeaux Montaigne) to discuss the topic of the slave trade, and the black memory of Aquitaine’s ports. She is a specialist in maritime history and directs a research project on New Aquitaine, Overseas Territories. It has published a summary of links the region had with slavery and the slave trade in this context.

From the 16th to 18th centuries, four of New Aquitaine’s major ports organized slave trade expeditions while their nationals invested on the Antilles plantations. Many thousands of African men, women, and children were forced to work in the sugar, coffee, indigo and chocolate factories.

Caroline Le Mao, based on research findings, will present a summary of the question, illustrated with archives and iconographic documentation.

Admission: 7 euros (4 euros for members).