The mayor has lied, withheld information and used the alleged espionage of Isabel Díaz Ayuso for his political pretensions. These are some of the conclusions of the municipal groups two weeks after the sessions that tried to clarify the alleged plot orchestrated within the Madrid City Council to investigate the leader’s environment concluded. Vox has been the only party that has refused to participate in the final opinion after ten days, 19 appearing from a long list of 45 cited and no response.

The PSOE, headed by Mar Espinar, has charged against the political aspirations that were hiding the events of recent weeks. “It is proven that all this internal crisis of the PP, the confrontation of the president of the Community of Madrid with the national leadership of the PP has as its background the call for the regional congress of the PP in Madrid and the configuration of its management team,” says the municipal group in their proposals for the opinion of the investigation commission.

According to the socialists, it was intended that José Luis Martínez-Almeida would end up as president of the Madrid PP and that the deputy Antonio González Terol, very close to Pablo Casado, would be the regional candidate in 2023.

«It was not only the dates of its call but who should preside over the Madrid PP, whether Díaz Ayuso or Martínez-Almeida, the latter the bet of Pablo Casado and Teodoro García Egea, with Ángel Carromero Barrios as factotum of this exclusively organic operation, whose interest was only partisan, for the PP », they have reproached. Ángel Carromero, former coordinator of the Mayor’s Office and former right-hand man of Almeida, was the first resignation that the scandal claimed. The PSOE affirms that, “without a doubt, the national leadership of the PP launches its pawns, with Carromero at the helm, to ensure that Martínez-Almeida, who lived a sweet moment in his mandate, became the president of the regional PP ».

“Going further, it seems proven that Casado, García Egea and Martínez-Almeida worked on the change of headliner in the Community of Madrid, allegedly promoting Antonio González Terol, of the former president of the PP, to be the candidate to the Community of Madrid» on an electoral ticket with the current mayor of the capital.

“Almeida’s obstruction has been a constant,” they say in the main opposition group, Más Madrid, which has also criticized the “very serious and reprehensible” actions of both the Environment and Mobility delegate, Borja Carabante, and the president of the Municipal Housing and Land Company (EMVS) and delegate councilor for Housing, Álvaro González.

As for the president of the EMVS, the main opposition group accuses him of “hiding relevant information about the facts and the investigations that he was following from both the Board of Directors and the company’s Ethics Committee.” While he considers that Carabante “clearly exceeded his functions and powers, personally participating in the meeting at the headquarters of the EMVS, dependent on the Delegated Area of ​​Urban Development, and participating in the interrogation of an employee of this public company ».

The group led by Rita Maestre has highlighted in the document sent to the presidency of the commission the “numerous absences, several of them critical, for the clarification of the facts”, which has caused that specific facts of the espionage attempt “have not been able to not even be verified given that the alleged main actors did not appear».

Up to 26 of those mentioned were absent, among them, Ángel Carromero, who the councilors of the Mixed Group have pointed out for not being “transparent”. «All the members of the EMVS who have appeared have denied the existence of the internal investigation that Almeida claimed to have initiated. It is a new lie from the mayor”, the Carmenistas point out in their conclusions, in which the appearance of the former president of the Community Ignacio González stands out, who “reported that espionage within the Popular Party is a common practice, a way of pressuring to obtain political gains, precisely what was sought with this alleged espionage» to Ayuso.

Vox has remained in line in recent weeks, in which it barely intervened in the commission. Javier Ortega Smith’s group will not present conclusions to the municipal commission’s opinion, because they consider that it was nothing more than a “political hunt from the beginning.” They also believe that the technical charges that appeared “declared that there was no use of municipal resources.”

The Vox spokesman in the commission, Pedro Fernández, already said it in one of the sessions: “It is the commission from nothing. No espionage, no espionage contracting, no misuse of public resources. Every day the left finds it more difficult to justify this commission, which is causing us all to waste time and generates waste of public resources due to the intention of the left to always seek a way to be in the press with falsehoods and useless commissions.