The Junta de Castilla-La Mancha has approved the declaration of the Cristo de la Columna procession and raffle of offerings by Bolaños de Calatrava as a Festival of Regional Tourist Interest and it will be published in the Official Gazette of Castilla-La Mancha soon.

The delegate of Economy, Business and Employment of the Board in Ciudad Real, Agustín Espinosa, has highlighted “rootedness, uniqueness, due to its heritage value and tourist attraction” as virtues for this declaration to have been given the go-ahead. Likewise, the Board of Directors of the Brotherhood of halberdiers of the Santísimo Cristo de la Columna has already been informed.

This festivity is celebrated on September 14, the day of the exaltation of the Cross, in which the image of Christ scourged and tied to the column, patron saint of the town, comes out through the streets of Bolaños de Calatrava, with an ornament of basil and escorted by halberds of flowers, which gives color to the procession.

In the afternoon, the traditional auction of products and animals that the devotees have offered to the Holy Christ of the Column is held, with whose economic benefits the brotherhood is maintained.

Espinosa has highlighted “the unity and support” that the processing of the file has had in Bolaños, since the municipal plenary session previously approved it unanimously.