The world is constantly changing and presents new challenges. Future generations will be shaped by the way we deal with challenges like resistance to antibiotics, climate changes, and the colonization space. What are our plans? What point do we get there? Who can give us the answers? These are the doubts we all have. To try to answer these doubts, “Science” was created. This new section of science is available on the newspaper’s website. It also reinforces the offer it offers for subscribers.

The space will allow journalists, who are experts in scientific dissemination, to try to explain where we came from and the phenomena around us. They will also give a voice to the protagonists (physicists , chemists , biologists and astronomers as well as engineers ). Researchers will also have a place in Science to share their concerns, projects, and ambitions in the form articles.

So, for example, does it make sense to spend money on travel to space when there are so many problems here? While many people believe it is not worth the expense, there are other ways to look at it. The space exploration inspired over 30,000 devices we use every day. These include the microwave, cordless vacuum cleaner, robotic prostheses that mimic functional limbs, infrared thermometers so used during the pandemic and dehydrated foods or smoke detectors.

There is still much to discover and learn, but we are slowly finding answers. We know for instance what Mars sounds and looks like. We also know where humans will be arriving in the next decades. We have been able to sneak into the lives of scientists from Spain who are studying’super plants’ in Antarctica.

This is only the beginning. Carl Sagan, the famed American astrophysicist, used to say “Somewhere, something amazing is waiting to be discovered”. We want to tell you everything about it in this newspaper. This is Science.