The Civil Guard of León arrested last week the director and person in charge of a nursing home located in the alfoz de León for fraud and misappropriation by allegedly having deceived a total of 21 users of the center with the collection of monthly payments.

The investigation began in September by the Armunia Judicial Police team after becoming aware of a series of events related to an alleged irregular management of the financial assets of one of its residents, now deceased.

Police investigations revealed that a total of 21 users had been defrauded, to whom irregular and unjustified charges were made in the monthly payments corresponding to their stay in the residence, using their vulnerability, family situation and mental state, reports Ical .

It was last Friday, May 27, when judicial authorization was entered and searched at the center for the elderly and at the detainee’s home, where numerous documents and cash were seized. The detainee, proceedings instructed and what was seized were handed over to the Court of Instruction number four of León.