The president of the Popular Party of the Valencian Community, Carlos Mazón, has made a call to reconcile sustainable use and enjoyment of the environment, at the same time that he has censured the “prohibitive eagerness” of the Consell de Puig.

Mazón has pronounced himself in Benissa, where he has participated in a day of cleaning the coast, accompanied by other representatives of the PPCV, such as the president of the PP of the province of Alicante, Toni Pérez, on the occasion of the International Environment Day.

The president of the PPCV has pointed out that “every small action adds up to keep our beaches and other natural landscapes clean.” Thus, he has stated that the key “is in sustainable coexistence, not in prohibition” and has pointed out that agriculture, forestry, livestock, hunting or mountain sports “are essential activities for the conservation of our environment , and also the technology, the infrastructures destined to protect our mountains or our beaches».

“We live surrounded by an environment worth valuing, protecting and conserving, but the policies of the Consell de Ximo Puig devised by a sectarian salon environmentalism go against it,” he said.

In this regard, Mazón has criticized that the Consell «only knows how to encapsulate our environment, without listening to anyone, without involving anyone. And precisely for this reason, when it occurs to them to do something, it usually ends badly, or in prosecution, as with their pioneering project to prevent fires that ended with the death of the donkeys, or with the chlorine tablets at the mouth of several ditches before the lack of maintenance of emissaries and treatment plants».

«The PPCV does not forget the environment and that includes claiming water, protecting trees, taking care of the beaches, fighting against pests, betting on the regeneration of the Albufera and showing double responsibility: personal and political. The environment is to take care of it, respect it and enjoy it », he has indicated. Mazón has advanced that the PPCV will shortly present its decalogue of environmental measures. “We have a project, a discourse, a story and common sense.”