The entropy of Stellar heated dust and gas has an equivalent energy equivalent to 1070 joules. This is directly comparable with the mc2 equivalent of the universe baryon Mass’s energy. Professor Paul Gough from the University of Sussex published a study in Entropy that showed that dark energy is responsible for the acceleration of the universe’s expansion.

The information energy density increased rapidly with star formation. However, it stabilized around a redshift of 1.4 and remained almost constant until the present. Information energy is a way to emulate a cosmological constant within the late universe. It also resolves some of the Hubble tensions and s8 fluctuation parameters tension between the early and later universe measurements. Gough also proposes a method to verify or disprove the existence of this dark energy source.

Information energy solves other problems in the LCDM cosmology model. The Cosmological constant problem can be solved by accounting for all dark energy using information energy. This allows the cosmological constant value to take the zero value. It was the preferred value before we discovered that the universe expansion is accelerating.

Information dark energy effectively solves the problem of cosmological coincidence, which raises the question: “Why now?” Why are we experiencing accelerated expansion when dark energy and matter densities are very similar? Star formation must have occurred to such an extent that the information energy from stellar heated gas or dust could be strong enough for accelerating expansion to begin. Star formation also had to have taken place sufficiently to allow intelligent beings to evolve to observe it.

This information energy, unlike a universal cosmological constant is naturally clumped around galaxies and stars. These clumps of energy can cause local distortions in space-time and gravitational attraction like extra dark matter. The location of baryons in galaxies has been shown to play a major role in dark matter-attributed effects. This observation is not compatible with LCDM, but it does follow naturally from the information energy of stars and hot gas.

Galaxies collide and dark matter effects are reflected in the collisions. This is similar to the information energy of stars heated gas or dust. Information energy could account for many of the effects previously attributed only to dark matter. Information energy is a combination of both the dark and light sides. It can be attracted locally to dark matter but repels the entire universe as dark energy, causing the universe’s expansion to accelerate.

A dark energy information source also allows us to predict a different future. The standard model’s cosmological constant causes the universe to expand at an increasing rate until it reaches the “big chill,” which is when there are no visible stars in the sky. The information dark energy density (or the dark energy density) of stellar heated gases and dust, on the other hand, will fall when there are more stars that have been formed. In this scenario, universe expansion will return to normal as it was before the dark energy dominated epoch.