With a lie about an allegedly persecuted girl, a woman in Dresden triggered a major police operation that lasted for hours. “During the investigation, doubts arose about the whistleblower’s statements. Ultimately, the woman admitted that the facts she described were not true,” the police said on Monday evening, giving the all-clear. Previously, helicopters, tracking dogs and a total of around 180 officers were on duty.

It is being examined whether an investigation will be initiated against the 35-year-old woman, it said. According to the information, the passerby made an emergency call on Monday morning. She stated that she observed a child being harassed by an unknown person. The woman also stated that the elementary school-aged girl was able to break away and fled into a smaller area of ​​forest. The perpetrator ran after her.

Helicopters are also in use

The riot police officers combed the forest until the early evening to get information about the whereabouts of the two. In addition to several tracking dogs, a police helicopter was also used in the Dresden district of Prohlis. As darkness fell, the police ended their large-scale operation. All further steps depend on the investigations by the criminal police after the search on site has been completed, said a spokesman.

In addition to police measures such as forensics, a query was also started at schools in the area. “But there was no evidence of a missing child,” said the police spokesman. In addition, there is currently no report of the child missing.

Last week, in another case, a twelve-year-old girl was said to have been harassed by an unknown man in Dresden. In this case, the investigation is continuing, the police said on Monday evening. According to the police, the man is said to have dragged the girl into a forest. When the twelve-year-old cried loudly for help, an older woman rushed to help. The man let go of the girl and fled. It is said to be a man dressed in black, around 1.85 meters tall and wearing a black fabric mask.