“Next year we will have to fight with all our might against a shift to the right in the European Parliament,” said Reintke in her application speech at the party conference. Parts of the conservative European People’s Party (EPP) were aiming for majorities with extreme right-wing parties, she warned.

It’s about a Europe “that maintains both prosperity and climate,” said Reintke. “We can only take the path of the green transformation of the economy and the preservation of jobs together on a European basis.” The same applies to the “second great ecological crisis”, the extinction of species.

“We will have to make compromises, including in asylum and migration policy,” the Green politician continued. However, the right to asylum should not be “surrendered to conservative and right-wing extremist sleaze contests”. Reintke also emphasized with regard to the “hatred and agitation” against the Greens: “I want a society in which all people can live freely and without fear.”
