Pediatricians welcome the recommendation of the EU medicines authority EMA for the approval of two corona vaccines for small children from the age of six months. “We are basically pleased about the approval. Even small children with the corresponding risk factors can now be vaccinated with an approved vaccine,” said Burkhard Rodeck, Secretary General of the German Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine (DGKJ), the dpa. However, the association does not want to make a general recommendation for the vaccination of healthy children under the age of five for the time being.

On Wednesday, the EMA recommended approving two corona vaccines from the manufacturers Pfizer/Biontech and Moderna for babies from the age of six months. Both vaccines are already approved for adults and children from the age of five and six respectively. The doses for babies and young children are significantly lower. However, whether babies and small children are offered a corona vaccination at all is a decision of the respective EU member states.

The DGKJ wants to wait for the opinion of the Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) before making a final assessment. “Nevertheless, it is an individual decision of the parents whether to have their child vaccinated after consulting the pediatrician,” said Rodeck. “In addition to risk factors in the child, grandparents or other relatives with risk factors can also be a reason to have a child vaccinated.”