The former left-wing politician Sahra Wagenknecht calls for a quick federal election. She told “Welt am Sonntag” that her planned party actually wanted to take part in the European elections in June for the first time. “It would of course be better if the desolate traffic light no longer clings to power and we could re-elect the Bundestag as soon as possible.” The CSU recently campaigned for the federal election to be brought forward.

Wagenknecht left the Left in October with his colleagues and wants to found his own party in January. She confirmed her intention to govern: “We want to govern if we can change something for the better. In those countries it is not at all unlikely that people will have to work with us.”

The 54-year-old repeated calls for a stricter migration policy modeled on Denmark. Asylum procedures need to be greatly accelerated, she said. “Those who are not entitled to asylum, and that is 90 percent, have no prospect of staying with us and also no right to social benefits.”