Ukraine’s new ambassador in Berlin, Oleksii Makeiev, has warned of attacks on Ukrainians in Germany and has called for a ban on entry for Russians. At the same time, in an interview with the newspapers of the Funke media group (Saturday), he was convinced that Germany could soon be supplying main battle tanks to Ukraine.

“Other countries refuse Russians entry. I appeal to the federal government to do the same,” said Makeiev. He spoke of a “serious security risk” in this context. “The Russians who come to Germany do not do so in protest against the war,” said the diplomat. “They just don’t want to die in the war.”

He counted on the delivery of main battle tanks from Germany. “We have reason to hope that the decision will be made to deliver Leopard 2 from Germany directly to Ukraine,” Makeiev said. Ukraine needs these tanks. “And it’s time to stop talking about not wanting to provoke Russia.” Germany had “shown leadership” with the delivery of the Iris-T missile defense system. “And we expect this leadership role in other weapon systems.”