This is “not corrected” by the changes made by the traffic light coalition, complained the Union faction leader. In the case of citizen income, the waiting periods and protective assets are too generous.

Among other things, the Union criticizes the fact that, according to the traffic light plans, the citizens’ allowance can also be obtained in the first 24 months if those affected have high reserves. The so-called protective assets of 60,000 euros for the actual benefit recipient and 30,000 euros for each additional household member should apply.

The traffic light factions had tried to approach the Union on Friday in order to still get their approval in the Bundesrat. An amendment by the traffic light groups provides for concessions, for example in the assumption of heating and moving costs.

On Thursday, the Bundestag is to vote on the law introducing citizen income, which is intended to replace the previous Hartz IV system. The Union has threatened to block the project in the Federal Council, which calls into question the planned start on January 1st.

Merz said in the “Tagesthemen” that he wanted to take the edge off the discussion and was therefore offering the governing parties to initiate a quick increase in the Hartz IV standard rates. On Monday, he would propose to the party and parliamentary group executive committee “that we offer the federal government to make a binding decision on raising the standard rates this week.” The Union was “agreed with the amount of the sentences”.

The dispute about “the system change” through the “so-called citizen money” could then be carried out separately, Merz said.

Federal Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD) meanwhile appealed to the Union to agree to the citizens’ income in the Bundesrat. The traffic light responded to the Union’s demands for changes to the draft law, he emphasized, adding: “My hand is extended to the federal states governed by the Union so that we can get citizen benefits on January 1st.”