CDU Federal Vice President and Schleswig-Holstein’s Education Minister Karin Prien sees an “urgent need for action” in view of the disastrous Pisa results. The result is in line with the results of recent national studies, said Prien on Wednesday on “Deutschlandfunk”. Therefore it is not surprising. “But that doesn’t make it any better. It’s a miserable result and that not only has to be analyzed soberly, but also has to have consequences.”

The results of the Pisa study were published on Tuesday. In reading as well as in mathematics and natural sciences, these are the lowest values ​​ever measured for Germany as part of Pisa. This was announced by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

It’s about paying more attention to the basic skills and promoting them, even in daycare, said Prien. “The key to more educational success lies in the daycare center. And we have to do more there.”

The state government in Schleswig-Holstein has also agreed on this. “We have agreed on several things.” According to Prien, among other things, special language support is to be introduced in the area of ​​prospective schools for the next school year. Perspective schools in Schleswig-Holstein are schools with a particularly difficult social environment for which there is a separate support program.

The topic of better teacher training

In addition, Prien was convinced on “Deutschlandfunk” that screening is needed in daycare centers at all school locations. “And I won’t let up.”

In addition, the connection between background and educational success must be reduced through early intervention and mathematics teaching must be improved. The issue of better teacher training also needs to be addressed.

Even before the results were published, Prien had emphasized that Germany had to take the path from a welfare state to a social education state. Education must be prioritized across all age groups in federal and state budgets.