The Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation believes that the Berlin museums are on the right track when it comes to saving energy. “The indoor temperature is already 19 degrees everywhere, i.e. in the offices or on traffic areas,” said foundation president Hermann Parzinger of the “Berliner Morgenpost”. Of course, one must ensure the preservation of cultural assets. But one also thinks about “adjusting the climate corridors”. The aim is to reduce energy consumption by 20 percent.

At the same time, Parzinger pointed out: “Museums are also social places, places for people. And who knows, there might be a situation in winter where you go to cultural institutions to warm yourself up.” This is already taken into account in discussions with politicians. Cultural institutions are systemically relevant.

Parzinger reiterated his concern about protests by climate activists from the Last Generation group, who had thrown soup or mashed potatoes at paintings in museums and stuck to historical frames in recent weeks. “We all understand that more needs to be done on climate protection,” he said. “We all have to do our part. And sometimes you have to attract attention with special actions. But I think that attacks on vulnerable art are really the wrong way.”