A vintage car is considered a vintage car in Germany as soon as it is at least 30 years old. However, cars can be protected by special insurance from the age of 20, provided they are of a certain value. Classic car insurance is offered by automobile clubs such as the ADAC, insurance companies such as Allianz or special brokers such as “Herzenssache”.
Young and oldtimers are insured at the respective market value (depending on the insurance at least 5,000 to 10,000 euros). This requires a short assessment that contains technical information, the vehicle value (market or replacement value), a description of the condition, a condition note and pictures of the vehicle. A historical “H license plate” is not necessary – standard or seasonal license plates are completely sufficient.
However, additional evidence is usually required when the insurance is taken out. The vehicle must be largely in its original condition, have a condition rating of 1 to 3 and be used exclusively for private purposes – usually up to a maximum of 9,000 kilometers per year. In addition, the policyholder must generally have their own vehicle available for everyday use. Finally, all users must be at least 25 years old.
But not every classic car can be protected by classic car insurance with every insurance company – especially if it is particularly valuable. Allianz, for example, offers a comprehensive insurance policy for vehicles with a value of more than 200,000 euros via its in-house “art insurance”.
With most insurers, the protection for oldtimers and youngtimers consists of several modules. First of all, there is the pure motor vehicle liability insurance. As with “normal” cars, it covers damage caused to others with the classic car: Whether it’s a rear-end collision, personal injury or a flattened garden fence – all of this is also covered, as usual, by the liability insurance for classic cars. The partially comprehensive insurance covers damage to your own vehicle, such as glass damage, damage caused by theft, fire or vandalism. And there is fully comprehensive insurance, which pays for damage to your own classic car caused by accidents you are responsible for. In contrast to new cars, where after a few years one wonders whether the premium for fully comprehensive insurance is still worthwhile in view of the falling vehicle value, the value of a classic car remains more or less constant or even increases – comprehensive insurance can therefore make sense.
Damage that occurs, for example, during vintage car races is generally not insured – in insurance terms: “At an officially approved event where maximum speed is important”. Most classic car rallies, which usually require regularity tests, do not fall under this regulation. With insurers like “Herzenssache” you can still take your oldie onto the racetrack – as long as you’re not racing.
In addition to the classic types of insurance, many providers also offer other policies that are specially tailored to the needs of classic car owners. This includes, for example, garage insurance. Since many vintage cars are not on the road all year round, but are deregistered over the winter and stored in the garage, for example, a separate insurance policy can be taken out for these vehicles that are no longer in service. It applies as long as the vehicle is permanently parked in a parking space or an enclosed area and is not moved in traffic and also includes dismantled vehicle parts during repair or restoration. The suspension insurance, on the other hand, takes effect after the vehicle has been shut down and is free of charge until it is re-registered, but for a maximum of 18 months – ideal for seasonal license plates, for example.
Classic car insurance consistently costs less than regular car insurance, because classic car owners are usually less likely to drive their classic cars and are more careful on the road, and the risk of an accident is lower. In addition, there are no no-claims classes when insuring classic cars. The costs naturally vary depending on the insurance and the scope of services. Pure liability insurance, for example, is available from around 60 euros, comprehensive insurance is available from 220 euros. The older the classic car, the cheaper the contribution.