After three days of deliberations, the Hamburg Parliament wants to adopt the double budget for the years 2023 and 2024 on Thursday. It envisages spending totaling 37 billion euros over the two years. On the last day of the final deliberations, the individual plans for the school, environmental, interior, economic, judicial and financial authorities are still on the agenda before the overall budget is voted on in the evening.

At the beginning of the last session this year, the citizenship still has to confirm the senators Melanie Schlotzhauer and Karen Pein (all SPD), who have been newly appointed to the Senate by Mayor Peter Tschentscher, and who will then take their oath in front of Parliament.

Pein, previously managing director of the urban development company IBA, will become the new urban development senator. The previous Senator Dorothee Stapelfeldt (SPD) is leaving the Senate at the age of 66 at her own request.

The previous State Councilor for Health Schlotzhauer will succeed Melanie Leonhard as Senator for Social Affairs, who in turn will take over the economic authority. Economics Senator Michael Westhagemann (65/independent) had also asked Mayor Tschentscher to be dismissed and had also given health reasons for this.

Since Leonhard only changes departments as a senator, neither confirmation by the citizenship nor a new swearing-in is necessary. On Thursday, the senator in the citizenship will answer the questions of the deputies about the budget of the economic authority, on Wednesday she had done this for the social authority.