The emergency care in the kindergartens has been expanded. Currently, the children come up to the half again. Hygiene rules to be adhered to, with children is difficult.

County – “The distance is not in keeping with children”, stresses Manuela Schülke, the head of the Kindergarten Mariae himmelfahrt in Schongau. Of course the teachers are trying to keep them all, but for example, at lunch, all on a Meter and a half distance, is already for reasons of space is difficult.

Currently, about 32 children, about half of the “normal” number of visit, the facility in Schongau. These are distributed to different small groups and, if possible, kept apart. “Normally it is our intention to promote community and self-reliance”, explained Schülke.

The Corona-rules lead to just the opposite. Distance must be adhered to, and lunch, for example, is sufficient. Earlier everyone was allowed the plate to fill in. “It’s all just a little more time-consuming and cumbersome,” says Schülke.

mouth-nose–masks are only worn in certain situations. For example, if parents come, when you Wrap and when the food is issued.

day care centers: Fewer children, more groups

In the municipal children’s home live in because the home will be cared for according to the head of Roberta Fischer currently, 25 of the 65 children registered. Also according to a strict Hygiene concept. Thus, four groups were originally three now, one is from the pre-school children, to provide them with age-appropriate offerings. The employees are assigned to fixed groups, which is, of course, staffing is a challenge.

“The younger children don’t understand it, why they may not in the usual teacher, and miss them,” says Fischer. The one with the hand-washing was maintained in the Kindergarten already. In the morning, the children are only allowed in the group, if the hands are clean. “It works quite well,” says Fischer.

paper war for Kita-new registrations

are Complicated for you especially the new applications. A paper war, because of the personal contact to the parents is to be kept to a minimum. Meetings are held with breathing protection mask and a distance in the garden. “Health comes first”, so fishermen of the regulations.

The see also Rita Ullrich, the Deputy Director in Therese-Peter-Kindergarten in Peiting. There are 19 children currently in the nursery, divided into three groups, and in the Kindergarten 16 children in two groups. Wearing masks, the teachers only during the Handover.

“Particularly small children read a lot from facial Expressions. It is important for you to see the face,“ says Ullrich.

The garden of the institution was divided into three sections, where each of the groups are alternately. Contact between the groups is not possible, although usually value an open concept was laid. And the food no longer takes place in the dining room, but in the group rooms.

parents enjoy mask of duty

“in Spite of all the constraints in it our children that they may come back in the nursery,” says Tamara to reports Eberl, the Director of the municipal Kindergarten in Penzberg. 30 of 92 children will be taken care of currently. The food is also taken in the group rooms, for the parents there is during pick up and Bring a mask of duty.

The children have become accustomed to the new rules and wash readily, often the hands. But how all this will work once all children are allowed to come back, know the Facility still. Since it will probably need other rules, or maybe more staff.


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“The nursing shortage is over, according to Corona.” to the Fact Christian Easter Ried, head of the Holy spirit hospital in harrisburg, PA area.