Not easy for the young tunisian democracy, the only one to have turned the ” arab spring “. The two countries with which it shares borders are in situations that are complex but different. Algeria, the regional power, has lived for more than a year a crisis in political legitimacy majeure. Side Libya, nearly five hundred kilometres of common border, the persistence and the intensification of the war increase the risk. When Gaddafi was “released” in 2011, the hope was great to Tunis to see the birth of a democracy in Tripoli. The internal squabbles have ruined this project. Now, outside powers are openly entered in the country : the Turkey in Tripolitania (Western), Russia in Cyrenaica (East). In the background, the united arab Emirates, Egypt, european services. It is customary to say that what is happening in Libya is the security and stability of tunisia. And this time, the conflict is invited into the political life.

also Read Tunisia : the persistence of terrorism

Read also Ghassan Salamé : Libya loses a man of good will

A conflict that undermines the arab world

Since independence, president Bourguiba has built a doctrine on matters of foreign affairs which remains in force : it does not meddle with the affairs of his neighbors, we do not judge. It is proposed that the compromises, mediations, priority is given to the scenes with sensational statements. This has allowed Tunisia, host of the summit of the arab League in 2019, to succeed the feat to him or her at the same round table, the Emir of Qatar and the Saudi arabian Mohamed Bin Salman, the kingdom has closed its borders with Doha for 2017 in order to strangle its economy. No other arab country would not have been able to gather on the same stage of the enemies of this scale.

the internationalization of The conflict in Libya splits the arab world in the wake of the wars in Syria and Yemen. Two camps are facing each other, sow discord within the arab-muslim world : one led by Abu Dhabi with Egypt and Russia (which has its own agenda) and the one taken by Ankara and Qatar. The first support, the marshal Haftar when the latter are in support of the government of national reconciliation installed in Tripoli since 2017. The Uae claim to be in war against ” political Islam “, when the Turks say that they have come to the rescue of the government supported by the international community. Tunis has always been the two camps.

also Read Libya : neighbours reject any foreign interference

gaze insisting Ennahda, the islamist party

Kaïs Saïed said recently, during his working visit and friendship in Paris, that the legitimacy was in Tripoli, but that all power is temporary, and that any legitimacy needs to be renewed through elections. He affirmed that a “partition of Libya” was out of the question. The islamist party Ennahda is suspected to plead with Erdogan’s Turkey. Ridha Driss, a member of the Shura, decrypts the thought of his party : “for the stability and security of Libya regarding our stability and security, for which reason it must remain extremely cautious. “”Ennahda will never accept a permanent military presence in Libya, but it is a fact of geo-strategic, that today the Uae, Egypt, Qatar, Turkey and others are present on the ground in libya,” he says. “And we’re not naive, all these countries want power “. “We agree with the president of the Republic, we have no other choice than to deal with the government of Fayyez el-Sarraj supported by the international community.” And to add : “Certainly not with the model of military-fascist Benghazi, led by Haftar and his allies.” He said, ” the successful experience of the tunisian democracy gives us the moral obligation to take a position “.

A phone call from Rached Ghannouchi, president of the european Parliament and of the party Ennahda, the president of the government of Tripoli has created tensions with Kaïs Saïed. The Constitution stipulates that the foreign affairs fall within the prerogatives of the president of the Republic. “That the president refuses that Rached Ghannouchi has relationships with international leaders, it is a subject of disagreement,” continues Driss, noting that it ” is not a problem of substance, but of form “. Next to Parliament, the cauldron of the Bardo, Libya has recently been invited to a plenary session.

Read also The Libya, now window russo-Turkish on the Sahel ?

iron Arms to the Assembly of the representatives of the people

On June 4, the national representation, 217 deputies, responded to a text tabled by the parliamentary block PDL (16 elected) led by Abir Moussi, lawyer, ex-zealot of the dictatorship of Ben Ali, now converted to the bourguibisme. They discussed ” Libya and parliamentary diplomacy “. Debate that was hiding another. Abir Moussi, in open war against the movement Ennahda (it advocates the re-opening of trial for officers), accused Rached Ghannouchi to openly support the intervention of turkey in Libya. The motion was struck out after negotiations between the parliamentary blocs, so that no country be cited. Motion that has not obtained the majority at the end of a plenary session, where many members of parliament, of all persuasions, have argued for the neutrality of tunisia. During the election campaign, Ghazi Chaouachi party Attayar, became minister since, did not hide his anger at seeing the ambassador of the united arab Emirates at the side of Abir Moussi during a press conference. The interference was quickly forgotten. A consensus transpartisan exists to Tunis to be cautious on this folder. A few strokes of the knife to sharpen the ideological should not call into question a conception of foreign affairs, which favours the discussion.

also Read Tunisia : sarabande populist in Parliament

also Read Osama Rezg : “there is not that the war in Libya”

writing will advise you

Libya, now window russo-Turkish on the Sahel ? Libya : neighbours reject any foreign interference in Tunisia : the persistence of terrorism Ghassan Salamé : Libya loses a man of good will Tunisia : sarabande populist Parliament Osama Rezg : “there is not that the war in Libya “