The unit of chavez has stepped up its maneuvers in order to deepen the gap in the ranks of the opposition to the regime. This bankruptcy had a play on Sunday in the National Assembly, even though the Government of Nicolás Maduro has had to resort to the militarization of the area to hinder access to the Parliament. Thirty deputies opponents betrayed John Guaidó and supported in a daring vote the dissident Luis Parra. The next step was, this Monday, the convocation of a table of dialogue between these sectors opponents and the Executive.


John Guaidó: “we Need a solution in Venezuela is as it is,” The chaos of a semicircle that is drawn to Venezuela, Mexico and Argentina condemn the blocking of the Parliament of Venezuela

The goal of the caucus of the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) was to stage a break between the voices critical of chavismo. “In the day of today there has been a political fact actually important. In the first place, the fracture of the sectors of the opposition,” he said to THE COUNTRY, Oscar Figuera, general secretary of the Communist Party, minutes after the impromptu swearing-in ceremony of Parra, a policy of weighing allegations of corruption. In your opinion, what is demonstrated is that the opposition is broken. That is the strategy of the ruling party, that Guaidó and his followers tried to disrupt. The own Mature did not take long to recognize that deputy as the new head of the legislative power. What he said during the inauguration of a baseball stadium while shortly after in the Parliament the chaos. He attributed the situation to “a rebellion of their own mps”. This circumstance has some dyes paradoxical, as the justice declared in contempt of the House for three years already.

Guaidó, that does not give any kind of validity to this procedure due to the lack of verification of formal quorum and voting by show of hands, not only answered that hand blow with a session alternative that late in the afternoon on Sunday and was ratified in office with the support of 100, and all 167 deputies in the offices of the newspaper The National. In addition, this Monday, he redoubled his challenge to the alliance between their former allies and the ruling party insitiendo that this Tuesday will attempt to preside over a regular session on the premises of the National Assembly. It remains to be seen how, since the blockade of the Parliament by the security forces, adding that Parra and his team have already taken possession of their offices. This came to invite Guaidó to go as a member of parliament more and to say what he deems fit, but their plans are other.

The table dialog announces the release of 14 prisoners

The call table for national dialogue in Venezuela, involving the chavez and a minority of the opposition, announced this Monday the release of 14 political prisoners. “We want to announce releases that this time, they are doing”, said the evangelical pastor and excandidato presidencial Javier Bertucci, who participates in these conversations.

The list of those who would be benefited by these measures, the make up Manuel Chacín, Jormanth Linares, Michel Vargas, Jesus Lira, Maria del Carmen Herrera, Luis Barrios, Carlos Brown, Renzo Miquilena, Nataly Gallego, Jesus Maria Ocando, Rafael Gonzalez, Nelson Castellano and Emilio Boulanger. There is also the reporter Jesús Medina Ezaine, who is currently being detained in the military prison of Ramo Verde, in the outskirts of Caracas, from August 2018, and is charged with incitement and unlawful assembly. / EFE

“Tomorrow [Tuesday] we will take the risks to enter the Parliament because Venezuela is worth it. The dictatorship will see if you are going to keep running forward, you will see if you are going to continue to insist on strategies failed policies,” emphasized the leader of the opposition, who rejected the hypothesis that his group of mps from the bloc who supported Parra. “The National Assembly is a single”. Guaidó, which was accompanied by the board of directors who was re-elected with him -among them, Juan Pablo Guanipa and Carlos Berrizbeitia as first and second vice-president, calling her “complicit” in the Mature dissidents and exhibited the international support received. The politician stressed especially the condemnation of what happened on the part of the Governments of Mexico and Argentina. That is, the Executive of Andrés Manuel López Obrador and the new cabinet team of Alberto Fernandez, who until now had proven to be more conciliators with the chavismo.

however, The Government of Maduro and his arm is parliamentary, which already controls the whole of the National Constituent Assembly, looking to advance in your understanding with the deputies that were separated from Guaidó. This Monday they met the call Table of National Dialogue. The excandidato presidencial and expastor evangelical Javier Bertucci announced the release of 14 political prisoners. The other gesture with which the two parties try to demonstrate the effectiveness of his alliance, that hardly finds recognition in the vast majority of the opposition parties that belonged to the old Table of Democratic Unity (MUD).