Sue Gray’s report contains shocking details about the revelry at the heart Government, while people died and their families were unable be with them in their final moments.

Family members who have lost loved ones due to coronavirus infection have spoken out about their anger and devastation at the revelations made by the Sue Gray Report that the Prime Minister and staff of No 10 Downing Street were partying.

The Covid rules required that people carouse until 4am, sing karaoke, and drink until they became sick. However, families could not spend the last precious moments of their loved ones with their dying relatives.

This document, which measures 37 pages, contains damning details about the revelry that occurred at the heart Government’s disregard for rules.

Lobby Akinnola spokeswoman for Covid-19 Bereaved Familys for Justice. She said that “When they were texting their colleagues about getting away, we had to text our family telling them we couldn’t attend their loved ones’ funerals.”

Here are some families who talk about their pain.

Colin Jones

Colin Jones, Tiffany Jones’ father, died from Covid on December 18, 2020. This was the night of a Christmas party at Number 10, where secret Santa gifts were exchanged.

This was the party that Allegra Stratton, former Downing St press Secretary, joked about at a mock press conference. The government guidance at the time stated that Christmas parties were prohibited. Johnson ordered people to cancel their Christmas plans days later, so many celebrated the holiday alone.

Tiffany, 41 years old, said that he died while they were having a party, exchanging secret Santa gifts, and everyone getting drunk. It is beyond words. It’s like a group of 14-year olds being p***ed.

After losing her husband of many years, even the Queen was adhering to these rules. She expected these people to be her leaders, which I feel terrible for.

Tiffany stated that Johnson tried to persuade MPs “move forward” from Partygate. Tiffany wanted to shout at him and say, It’s okay you said that, but 190,000. People have lost someone. How are they supposed to get on with their lives? Some of us will never see the light.

“I don’t believe he knows how it feels to lose someone due to something he could have avoided. It makes me mad that he is so clueless.