Evo Morales, from Argentina: “we’re Going to win the elections,” Evo Morales arrives to Argentina and asks to be welcomed as a refugee

The differences in diplomacy between Mexico and Bolivia have arrived to the international justice. The mexican Government has announced this Thursday that it would submit an appeal to the International Court of Justice, the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, to ensure the security at its embassy in La Paz. The staff mexican diplomat ensures that you have suffered bullying and harassment from the Government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador gave asylum to former president Evo Morales in November and that the pressures have increased after Mexico decided to grant asylum in its embassy in the bolivian capital to nine officials loyal to Morales. The Peace considers that the accusations are false, and Mexico has no evidence.

“What we said is that it preserves and respects the integrity of the facilities and those who are on the inside,” said the chancellor mexican (Foreign minister), Marcelo Ebrard. “Not in the worst moments of the military coups of the seventies and eighties, was put at risk the integrity of these facilities,” he added. Mexico’s complaint that the harassment began on the 11th of November, while making efforts to bring Moral to mexican territory. “First you complained that we were to give him asylum, after that he make some statements from Mexico, now by these nine officials asylees”, told this week in an interview with Maximiliano Reyes, undersecretary for Latin America and the Caribbean.

“over There, we’ll see.” That was the response of Arturo Murillo, the minister of Government of Bolivia, the announcement of Mexico. “We will see who have violated the treaties,” added the minister in reference to the public statements about politics in bolivia that made Moral from his exile in Mexico. The bolivian Government argues that these sayings were permitted by the Executive mexican against the international agreements on asylum. In addition, he said that there is no evidence to support the assertions that Mexico makes in his appeal before the Court.

THE COUNTRY said Monday that five former ministers, a exprocurador (prosecutor) general, a former governor and two other officials are safe in the legation mexicana after the interim Government of Jeanine Áñez announced a “hunt” to stop them. The main target is Juan Ramón Quintana, former minister of Government and one of the strong men of Moral. Quintana has been accused of sedition and terrorism, an offence which is punishable by 30 years in prison. Also is accused of terrorism, the former minister of Culture Wilma Alanoca, in the spotlight because they found petrol bombs in a dependency of the ministry that was led.

The mexican officials reported that there were heavily armed men in the vicinity of the Embassy, who was still on the official vehicles and increpaba constantly to the ambassador, Teresa Market. Morales himself, to seek asylum in Argentina since the beginning of December, he said that they were using drones to spy on the diplomats mexican and its former officials. Karen Longaric, the chancellor of bolivia, has said that the former “are not persecuted politicians,” but are sought after because we “have committed common crimes”.

On the eve of new year’s Eve, the pressure got worse. Up to 150 police officers and members of the Ministry of the Interior stationed in the facilities. The Government of Áñez ruled out that it was harassment and said that he was providing “protection” to the mexican representatives. The protests post-election in Bolivia have left at least a dozen dead, according to Human Rights Watch. The biggest concern in Mexico is an incursion by force into the Embassy to arrest nine officials have said diplomatic sources to this newspaper. The Government has already granted asylum to the nine former officials, but the Administration of Áñez has not given safe-conducts to these leave Bolivia and has issued arrest warrants for five of them.

The vice minister of bolivian Security, Wilson Santamaria, also used a challenging tone to announce that his country will not withdraw the personnel assigned to the control of the Embassy and the official residence of mexico. The contingent came to be 90 police officers and today, after the first protest of Mexico, has declined to 16, effective in each site. “We’re not going to allow that nobody who has outstanding accounts with the country of the previous administration to leave Bolivia,” added Santamaria.

Peace has justified the surveillance, extraordinary with two different arguments. The Security officers have pointed out that there is a risk that the former officials to flee and take flight across the border with Argentina. The private secretary of the presidency, Erick Foronda, said a few days ago that the police is protecting the mexican embassy in possible protests of peasants, an explanation that the Government has not returned to use.

The plan of action of Mexico has begun to exhaust legal and diplomatic to avoid the violence. He argues that the actions of Bolivia violated the Vienna Convention, which establishes the right to rule between representations and representatives of countries. Has issued three diplomatic notes, this week, has turned to the United Nations and the Organization of American States and has approached the Governments of the continent to gather support. “There is no beginning to attend to anyone who wants to break the diplomatic office of a country”, claimed Ebrard. “Mexico is having a legal instrument for the violation of obligations diplomatic”, he added.

The mexican foreign ministry has ruled out that it will break relations with Bolivia. The cooling in bilateral relations not only lies in the gesture that had Mexico give asylum to Moral. In the backdrop there is also the fact that several key figures in the Movement to Socialism seek to reach, are or have passed through Mexico in a time not yet defined when they will be the presidential elections will be and how the succession of power after the departure of the former president, who was almost 14 years in power.